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Minju's POV.

     I try to look the person who spoke as i stand up cause u know my butt still hurts, this bjtch rlly have the audacity to ask me that question when shes the person who bumped me, but while looking at her i can literally see the anger in her eyes.

      "ya ssamu calm down, im sorry for my friend behavior" a person spoke beside her i think her name is yena, oh theres more, i guess its her group of friends.,

why they're not that familiar to me or its just me cause im not a person who loves to lurk around in this school.

        "No,you--",while pointing at her "apologize". O my fckin gad i dont know where did i get a courage to say that, as i look to her you can literally see how her mood changes, she just staring at me blankly for a minute and just passed at me, thiss bitch., Her friend bow to me "again im sorry for my friend behavior" as they pass,

       "Youuu bitchhh we are not done yet" i shouted.


I just sitted on my desk frowning like a kid when yuri interrupted.
   "Minju whats with the mood? And what took you so long? U lucky prof had a meeting" Yuri said.

   "First im not in the mood cause this person bumped me in the hallway and walked away without saying sorry second shes the reason why im late"i hissed.

    "Thats awful, i guess my hope did happen you didn't tripped but still u fall"., yuri said while laughing at you.

     "Haha funny "., This hamster im always wondering if shes rlly my best friend cause shes not helping at all.

     "But seriously im not yet done with her" you hissed

     "Ok fr, is she pretty?" Yuri asked,

  Aigo is she in her right mind askin me that question?

    "Wtf yuri?, Idc if shes pretty or not as long as she messed with me im not gonna let it pass".,but tbh im scared lol, yes shes pretty but her attitude makin her ugly.

     "So scary, so scary"., Shes not really helping.

      as our conversation goes on with a different topic our prof came and makin us back to our chairs, the class started.


Class dismissed yuri and i, are planning going to the student council office to visit eunbi,sakura and nako.

As we entered the office we saw the two, busy with their papers while sakura unnie is just playing, as always.

       yuri joined sakura unnie.,"ya unnie aren't you tired?" i talkedd.

        "When its for the good of our school, tired dont exist minjuu ya" eunbi replied.

          What a responsible leader she is.


Authors note.❤️

2nd update for today hehe im kinda sleepy, i think i got lil bit off, but i promise im goin to fix it and make a better update its just that im rlly sleapy cause i jusy finished doing my homework.

Hapoy birthday to me❤️.


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