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Minju POV.

I felt i slight tap on my face tryna wake me up from my deep sleep, as i open my eyes slowly i saw a person looking at me coldly, oh its my fucking wife.

"Are you sleeping?" She asked, whispered at me.

Oh i forgot we are in a private venue to celebrate our wedding with family and closest friends.

"Um yeah, sorry im just,..tired". I said and yawned... tbh this is boring i just want to get out of this shits.

Thank god my friends are here to save me.

"Um do you want to come or want me to introduce you to my friends?". I asked, i just said that bcs i have no choice i cant leave her and i dont want to be rude too.

"Ok".she said shortly and followed me, as i walked towards my friends table i saw this bunch assholes smirking at me ik they're teasing like for wut?

"Hey hey girlies married couple are here". Yurii said.

"Yah shattap you hamster".i said

"Kindly introduce us to your wife/husband?".,kkura asked.

"Ah yeah, this is chaewon m--myy".

"Kim chaewon her wife". She said as she shook hands to my friends.

Yeah my wife.

"Oh eunbi unnie nice meeting u again" chaewon said.

"U too, u better take care of our minguri or elsee". eunbi said with warned on her tone , Srlsy shes scary.

As they talked shortly.

I heard a loud voice behind chaewons back imean they're still far but you can hear their voices bcs they're freakin SHOUTING like they're asking for a fight that makin everyones attention focus to them,...

oh its her friends.


"this madafaking duck im goin to kill her" chaewon whispered to herself but i heard it.

"YEAAHHH YENAA IS RIGHT U BETTER INTRODUCE US".the other girl said i think her name is hyewon they're with this i guess hitomi and chaeyeon unnie?, Ye its chaeyeon unnie shes laughing behind them bcs they look like a fuckin drunk whos asking for a fight,.

You wonder ik chaeyeon unnie?, cause eunbi unnie always mentioning her for being so annoying.

"YOU ASSHOLES STOP SHOUTING AND WALK FASTER SO THAT I CAN PUNCH U ONE BY ONE" chaewon shouted, really i can't with them.

As they get nearer, yeah chaewon was ready to beat the two before she could the two run as fast as they can, lmao they look like bunch of kids whos playing around.

As they finished their play time, chaewon talked while panting tryna find some air.

"Um--". Chaewon was about to talk when this yena interrupted.

"Hi beautiful lady my name is choi yena your future husband wuts your name?", as she reach her hand to yuri whos rlly confused, while me tryna stop my self from laughing.

"Hh-hi, yuri".yuri said and declined yenas hand,

i feel bad for yena lol HSHAHAHAH

Yena shook chaewon's hand instead to avoid the embarrassment.

"Its okay duck you can cry",.chaewon teasingly said like shes tryna comfort yena while hyewon,hitomi and chaeyeon rubbing her back like she just lost her love ones lmao.

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