9. Crush

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Third persons POV

Chaewon,yujin,yena, and hyewon are busy playing in chaeyeons house, bcs its weekend they planned to spend their day here...

"Yahh y'all better help me or else imma kick y'all ass out in this house". Chaeyeon said with warned tone.

"Calm down grandpa..just a minute we are almost there getting our chicken".yena said

"Im serious yena".chaeyeon said firmly.

that made the four stop from their playing and helped chaeyeon from her doings.

Chaeyeon currently cooking for their dinner, and the four set the table and prepare it,

chaeyeon is the only person who lives in their house cause her parents are staying outside the country, for business,..

They started eating when yena also started to speak... shes always like that, and her friends were used to it cause they know yenas mouth is unstoppable

"Y'all know yuri right?".she asked

They all nod except yujin cause she wasn't there that time.

"I just got her number" she said happily.

"Aigo, how did you get her number?" Chaewon asked.

"Did you blackmailed her??,..you forgot? that you just scared her last time!..".hyewon said while laughing.

"Oy, she might think you are crazy".chaeyeon added

"First i have ways second I didn't scared her third yes im crazy, crazy for her". Yena said while smiling

You can see a full disgust on her friends face.

"Ew thats the most disgusting words i heard from you yena". Hyewon said acting like she will vomit.

"Yahh, im serious, shes the one, shes my crush already, nooo i love her".yena said that made her friends choked and laughed.

"You barely know her yena, you look like an obsessed duck rn". chaeyeon said.

"As if she will like you back". Hyewon said tryna stop herself from laughing again cause yena is rlly serious with her confession.

"You dont understand, cause you dont feel it, its like---" yena said.

"love at first sight?" Yujin said.

"Yess, right love at first sight,tss only a dog can understand me"., Yena said and pouted.

"Ok ok just tell us you need our help to get close to her, we know where this coming"..hyewon said, yes she wasn't wrong.

"Chaewon can only be the person that can get you nearer to yuri, cause its her wife friend". chaeyeon said

"Y'all got me ehehehe".yena said and scratched her nape, and looked at chaewon with pleading eye.

"Pfft, you already got her number, isn't that enough?". chaewon said.

"Yes i did got her number, but shes not texting back".yena said in a sad tone.

"Bcs you scared her".hyewon said.

"You're not helping".yena frowned.

They all laughed and continue their conversation with different topic.

They noticed the maknae is being quiet and they all know shes not in her usual self cause shes usually the first one teasing yena.

"You okay pup?".yena asked

"im Fine, just thinking something hehe". She answered.

  "Something? Or someone?".yena asked teasingly, now the table has turned

    "Whos that unlucky girl?". Hyewon asked.

  "Spill".chaeyeon said.
That left yujin no choice,..

"Uhmm hehehe, i just saw this girl few days ago and didn't got her name".yujin said shyly.

"Aigoo, so you have your own love at first sight like yena?"chaewon asked.

    "Yes, i barely see her bcs our school is hella big,.".yujin said in a sad tone.

"Shes not a baby anymore".chaeyeon said.

"Our pup is inlove just like me, ify bro".yena said smiling cause shes not the only one whos suffering lol.

    "Is she beautiful?."hyewon asked.

"Ofc she is". Yujin said smiling

    "Then introduce us to her when you have chance".chaewon said.
     "How can she introduce that girl to us when she didn't even get the girl name,.. not like me i got my baby yuri phone number". Yena said proudly

  "She will not gon like you back yena, trust me".hyewon said teasingly.

  "Then lets make a deal, if shes goin to be mine, treat me whatever i want". Yena said challenging hyewon

"Thats impossible how can she like a duck? Dumb duck?". Hyewon said while shaking her head

They continue bickering while eating..

while yujin still thinking of something...no someone she remembered again the first day she saw that so called crush of hers.

Flashbacks before the wedding*

Chaewon and her friends yena,hyewon,chaeyeon and yujin playing basketball together, they're having fun, when yujin said that she will only get some water...

At the cafeteria where yujin will buy a water.....she was about to get it,when someone got it first.

"Umm, miss thats mine". Yujin said shyly.

"Oh here, im sorry..i was actually in a rush thats why". Person said smiling and bowing.

That made yujin stopped in her trance bcs the said person is soo beautiful.., she looks like an angel in disguise well the girl is really an angel not gonna lie.

"I-i-Its okay". Yujin said, when she realized shes looking at the girl for so long then she bowed too.

As she get the water in persons hand nervously, when its about to walk away.

"He-hey". Yujin called her nervously like she will pee any minute.., when she was about to ask the persons name, the person friend called her.

"Yahhh min min lets goo".

Then they disappeared.

Yujin felt disappointed to her self knowing that she didn't get the persons name, at least she knows her nickname, min min? What a cute name, i think i know whos my crush she said to herself.

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