12. Ride

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    Days passed chaewon and i haven't talked much after that day and i dont know why even tho we live in the same house, we barely talked, we only talked about important things like if we are out of foods,if mom and dad called, about the company, etc.

     "Hey". I said getting her attention away from the tv, since its weekend we are here in the sofa watching movies, idk i just woke up and find out shes watching so i join her.

      "What?". She said without looking

   "Yah, are you avoiding me?"

    "Why would i?"

     "Tsk, this is boring" i said with a sigh.

     "Then what do you want me to do? Entertain you? You rrlly want my attention that bad?". Now shes looking at me, grinning, arghhh shes soo annoying.

      "You creep, stop looking at me like that" and throw the pillow beside me

  Shes laughing, God knows how beautiful her laugh is,...what?

     "Srsly, what do you want to do? Go shopping?, Eat outside?,go in an amusement park?" She asked with a calmer voice.
    "Lets all do that " i said happily

   "Just tell me y--"

     "We are doing this bcs i want our parents to know that this relationship is working, even tho its not..and dont be full of yourself kim chaewon".i cutted her bcs i know where is this going.

     "Wow, you always calling me by my full name, you like me that much huh?"

   "Im not one of your girls that you can easily get chaewon" i said with a glare.

   "Wdym?" She asked, acting like she dont get me.

   "I heard gossips about you"

   "You believe in gossips?". She asked

    "I dont, but your friends confirmed it".i said with a blank expression

    "Im goin to kill those bastards" i heard her muttering

    "Why do you care?, Are you jealous?"
   Here she goes again.

   "Beside its not my fault, being this attractive" she added, while doing some pose.

    "Jealous your ass, you wish". I said, as i stand up and bout to go back in my room, when she held my hand.

    "Im just joking, go prepare. ill wait you here" she said with a bright smile, shes so cu-- nope.

    "What if i dont?".

     "Then dont go".

      "Jk, c'mon baby lets go" she added
       "What did you just say?".


    I remove her hand off me..,then rushed to my room and closed the door...Fck why im burning,...
What? Whos burning?.

    "Stop teasing me then." I shouted behind the door.

     "Okay, baby".

    "Shut up".

     I heard her laughing, god shes soo annoying.


    "Omg this is soo beautiful". I said as i saw a white dress, its been so long i miss doing this.

    "Yah, thats your 10th dress" she said while carrying the other dress that i brought.

  She insisted, i didn't force her tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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