8.First day

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We arrived at our school, yes this is the first day we attending to school, together, and as married couple... fuck it.

"Eunbi unnie!". As i shouted and walked with them shes with kkura unnie, leaving chaewon behind.

She didn't dare to call me so that means she separated her way.

"you leaving your wife like that?" Kkura unnie asked.

"Shes big enough, what you expect me to do? accompany her?, Shes not a kid anymore gosh," i said.

"Yahh u acting like u both nothing".eunbi said.

"Uhmm, ill go now unnies see you later". I said, yes we are nothing, and bid a goodbye.

As i entered to our classroom saw yuri busy with her phone with a annoyed expression, aigoo who made this hamster pissed early in the morning?, I tryna eyes drop whos shes texting, as i saw whos the person behind,..

"Didn't know you exchange numbers", i said as i sitted beside her and fixed my thing.

"I don't even know where did she got MY FUCKIN NUMBER, shes annoying gosh". Yuri said slummed her phone in our desk.

"Are you the one who gave my num to her?". Yuri asked...(luh bat ako)

"Why would i??...Thats good thought so that you'll have a worthy reason to spend your daily life.., rather than wasting your time in a useless game.... and i think its time for you to yk, escape from your single life hahaha". I said to her.

"i prefer playing games than spending my precious time to someone i barely know and i prefer being alone forever than being with that annoying duck tsk". Yuri hissed.

Poor yena.

"Lets see then". I said after that our prof arrived.

Our class started and everything seems to be nice,.. listening to my prof cause i still want to graduate i have goals duh.

Lunch time, im eating with my friends when i received a text message from my dad.

"How was your first day with your wife?" My father asked.

I didn't reply, cause why whould i? After what he have done to me, he still have the guts texting me? tss.

"Minjooyah whats with the change of mood?" Eunbi asked me. Ohh she noticed.

"You okay?, You look pissed?"kkura unnie said.

"No im fine hehe". I said and continue eating.

"Soo how was with your wife did you do it? Is she rlly good?" Yuri asked that confused me.

"Do what?" I asked while munching my food .

"Aigoo minjoo acting so innocent, shes talking about the honeymoon, so did you both,.. do it?". Nako said that made me choked, fuck this two.

"You, two stop with your nonsense question gosh, why would i give my body to a person I didn't even know". I said.

"Ehh shes your wife?". Yuri asked.

"Duhh yk its only a arranged marriage, I don't even know her that much, and i have no plans liking her, im straight". I said with a serious tone.

"Still you both are married".yuri said

"And you're single".i said that made yuri shut, haha you better not mess wid me hamster.

"You sure, straight? will see". Eunbi said.

"Yes straight as noodles". I said

"Thats gay minjoo".yuri said.

"What do you mean, gay what?". I asked confusingly, i dont get it.

That made them all laugh, huh? Whats funny?.., I just shrugged the thought of it,

we continue chitchating when we saw wonyoung from a far.

We waved at her

"Wonyoung-ah eat with us" i said and she sitted beside me.

"Wonnie how was your day?". Eunbi asked.

"Totally fine unnie", wonyoung said smiling.

"Btw who gave my phone number to yena?". Yuri asked with a serious tone.

"Me why? Is there any problem?, She asked me and offered that she will buy me alots of ice cream sooo,... i have no choice thought" nako said.

"Whatt?!!! u gave my number only for your fucking ice cream?" Yuri asked shockingly.

That made us all laugh.

"Shes not that bad tho, just give her a shot yuri". Eunbi unnie said.

"As if i will let her". Yuri added.

Poor yena(2).


School ends, im here at our condo, chaewon isn't here yet i wonder where she is,

why im thinking bout her?.. Duh im just worried what if someone caught her.

Tss enough with that kim minjoo.

"Okayy, but its almost late, she isn't home yet". I said to myself was about to sleep, when i heard the door opened.

"Where have you been?". I asked her as i got out of my room.

"None of your business".she said in a cold voice.

"Yah, im asking you".

"You forgotten our rules?". She said and flopped herself in the couch.

"I didn't, im just worried that, what if our parents finds out". I said and joined her in the couch.

"How many times do i have to tell you, i have ways...".she said


"No buts kim minjoo".

Silence filled in our condo as she speak.

"Have you eaten?".she asked

Whats with the change of mood, later shes talking like shes ready to eat me, eat me???............

She waved at me, that made me back at my senses gosh what i am thinking

"I haven't yet". I said shyly.

"Bcs we dont have supplies here in our condo". I added

"Then lets go do some groceries, after that lets have dinner". She said smiling.


We are here in a fancy restaurant, eating peacefully, when she talked.

"Your dad message me and asked me how are you bcs you're not answering his text". She said.

"Im not seeing him as my Father anymore". I said and take a sip of my wine.

"Can't blame you".,she said.

"Soo.... where have you been?".i asked her again bcs she didn't answer me earlier.

"Aishhh you keep asking me that question,..im just with my friends ok?". she said.

"Ok".i said shortly why im being like this.

"Perhaps you're jealous or doubting me?,..just tell me you already fallen for me babe, so that we can make this real". She said while smirking.

"In your face, you're not even my type". I said to her with disgust.

"As if you're my type too". She said and laughed bcs of our conversation.

We continue our chitchating, shes not that bad, tbh this is the first time we have a decent conversation....

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