6. wedding day

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Minju's POV.

     "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY PRINCESS/UNNIE!". Wonyoung and mom greeted me as i opened my eyes and smiled bitterly .

     My birthday used to be happy,...but today im having the worst birhday in my entirely existence. i will be tied up with a person, because Today is my fckin wedding day.

   I got up, took a shower and wear my robe as i look at my gown on the top of my bed ,the stylist were already waiting in the living room with mom and dad.

   They started to do make ups and others put smthn at me to look more legit bride

  "Sweetie, why do you look sad? Its your wedding day!" One of the stylist asked.

" Just nervous" i answered but the truth is, im not really happy with this bullshit its my fathers fault, if they only know whats behind of this nonsense shit.

"Princess your friends are already here.they are in the living room, you'll have photoshoots before they go to church" mom said.

" Okay". I answered shortly, bitches are here.

" Im sorry if you can't invite the others, bcs this is a private wedding."she said.

Right, how did it end up into private?. Ofc its my fiance decision.


"I wantt this wedding to be private" chaewon said with a serious tone.

"And why?." Her Father asked.

"You know minju and i were still in college and we have this so called reputation that we want to take care of., doing things like personal things, that thing we cant do anymore bcs we can't have the privacy, bcs everyones attention are in us".

"Your point is?"her dad asked again.

" My point is i want to keep it private. Just with our family and close friends so we can be peaceful. If the public knew this, they will probably follow us everywhere and make some issues when they saw the both of us with another person like, me with a girl and minju with another man. They can use it make some rumors and ruined our image. We're still young, we dont want this all to be ruin as much as you dont want to, so please, lets keep this for ourselves for now, We'll announce it by ourselves when we are ready.".she explained., Wow this bitch has a brain sometimes and im 100% agreeing with that idea.

"hmm you do have point".her father said."how bout you minju? Is that okay with you?".he asked me

"No problem at all sir i mean dad.". I said smiling. I looked at chaewon and saw her looking at me without any expression, i cant rlly read this girl.

"Okay its settled then, the wedding will be exclusive for both families and your closest friends" my dad closed.

As chaewon excused herself to go to the bathroom, i followed her.

"Hey, thankyou" i said.

"Thank you for what?". She asked.

"For what you did i----" she cutted me.

"Look what i did is also for me, i did that so that i can still do whatever i want, and flirt with some girls" she said coldly.

For real?, she only do that so that she can flirt? This girl, But who cares she can do whatever she wants ill do mine.

"But still thankyouuu" i said as she passed at me this girl really?.

End of flashbacks.

"I love youu soo much princess, I hope she will make u happy" my mom said while crying.we are now in front of the church as the door opened the first person i saw in the altar is her, staring coldly at me,

how can she be like that in our own wedding day like this was nothing to her.

As we walked.

I looked at chaewon again observing her clothes shes wearing a black tuxedo with high heels which suits her really well, how can she pull of that.

  As my mom and dad walked me side by side. Speaking with my great father we didn't speak with each other since the day this news announce, i hate him and i will never gon forgive him.

  as we almost reach the altar "Please take care of her"my father said to her.

"Dw, i will take care of her shes my duty and responsibility".she said with a serious tone and tryna reach my hand. As we walked to reach the altar

She stopped and said something stupid i didn't expect.

"If you want to ditch and as so you know do honeymoon first?, bcs you look so hot wid that gown, soo what do you think?" She asked that left me dumbfounded cause i didn't expect her to say such things cause shes too cute to say that.

"Ya stop you pervert I didn't know that you're a fckin pervert, and you wish".i said to her.

"Just kidding im just wondering but we'll see that". She smiled, oh god i didn't know angel does exist when she smile-- nope nope shes still a pervert for me.

  As the ceremony went well and said our vows to each other
, Which the audience believed. Guess shes really good in acting

"You may now kiss the bride" said the priest

Chaewon looked at me with her annoying grin

"Not in the lips asshole,. please, just please" i shut my eyes close. Honestly i haven't have my first kiss yet. And i didn't even kissed my previous boyfriends.

I felt a pair of lips on me,

   She do kiss me in my fckin virgin lips no its not virgin anymore as her hand on my waist, i dont know what to do anymore as my lips moving in sync with hers, idk how but i had this feeling when she kissed me and i cant explain.

She broke the kiss and looked at me with a huge smirk on her face.

"Enjoyed the kiss? Dont worry wifey, we'll continue this later" she said and winked at me.


"Youuu--- pervert!".


Otorss note❤️

Hepppyyy long updatee, have a nice day❤️


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