3. D-day

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Wonyoung and i just got off from school, school is really tiring but thanks to my friends, and thanks to yuri and sakura for makin us laugh bcs this two dumb fought, only bcs of a freakin game,
makin yuri stumble to the ground cause unnie keep chasing yuri lol, that was hella funny you can literally see the horror in yuris face, serves her right after makin fun of me earlier.

            i was talking to my friends on my phone,when mom called me,.
               "Minjuu-ya dinner is ready".

        "Okay-dokie mom" as i shouted.

        "Hey ladies im off cyl,cause dinners ready byee."as i turned off my phone.
            While we are eating peaceful and me munching my food, dad started talking.,
             a word came across to his mouth making me stop from eating,. at his first word, it got me really confused its rlly hard to process at first,as soon as he finished his sentence, thats it,.
           It madre me choke as every word processed in my lil brain cells. silence filled over the room,
          it got me mad when i already realized what he tryna say makin me stand in my fckin chair and go back to my room,


   "Damnit" i said and slammed the door of my room, how can he sold his own daughter? for petesake how can he do this to me?.

         * knock* knock*

I heard faint knock on my door and waited whos behind it.

  "Minjuu, sweetie its mom open the door".,she said as i let her in, she proceed in my bed,as she stroke my hair beside me she started talking.

      "Sweetie dont be mad imean you have the right to be mad, but the company is really important to your father" mom said.
        " Important? Important than his own daughter? Haha how can he do this to me im not a freakin toy mom  that he can easily give away, i have rights too". As i cried.

         "Sweetie calm down, yk how our company is important to your father your grandpa worked hard to make the company and your father witnessed his hard work, if your grandpa finds out he will be mad at him that the hardwork they've done to that company got into nothing,and your father will be sad at least try to understand sweetie"mom said.

          "No mom he could just understand me too, how can he sure that person im going to marry is a good person what if-- what if she hurted me? Whay if she take advantage to me? What if---."i said.

          "stop over thinking sweetie, i wont let her laid a hand to my daughter,
        if ever that happened, i wont hesitate to file a divorce as soon as possible,.. no one can stop me even your father specially your grandpa". Mom said.
         "You promise?" As i hug mom childishly.

          "I promised sweetie".mom said as she kissed my forehead.

          "You will meet her tomorrow and the wedding would be next week".mom said.

             "WHAT?,THAT FAST?".as i asked shockingly

             "Yes sweetheart".mom said.


Authors note❤️

This story was actually inspired by the story 'My wife from hell', really love thay story thats why i tried a 2kim version, hope y'all like it.



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