4. Meeting her

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Minju's POV.

FCK ! FCK ! FCK! FCK!,im going to meet her any minute.what to do what to do,

"Damnit minju calm down, dont let your emotion rule you". as i talked to myselff.

"Unnie you should really calm yourself " wonyoung said while looking at me worriedly.

"Howw cann iii wonnie?".,i said nervously.

"Mom already promised you, so u should not be worried"wonnie said.

I should rlly not to.

breath in, breath out, breath in breath out breath--

*Ding dong*

"Fuck" i muttered quietly.,

"they're here" ., Mr kim said, after all he have done to me i'll never gonna call him father again.

"Good evening kim's" said the man in his 40's i think.

" Good evening to you too kim's" my mom said as they let them in, owhh we have a same last name.

"Oh you must be minjuu".he said and smiled.
"You're a beautiful woman ".,he added

"thankyou mr kim." as i replied and smiled back.

"Stop with the formalities call me dad instead bcs you'll be my daughter's future wife''.he said

" Ookay d-dad", this is hella embarrassing fck why did i stutter.

"What a cute woman" a woman said.,
"Hello, Im your future mother in law, i think we goin to suit each other, lets go shopping together"., As she added while smiling,. they're so sweet i wish their daughter is like this.

"Really? Yess, yess shopping" As i clapped childishly.,

"Look honey, im loving her already".she said and hugged me, i just realized what i did is literally embarrassing .

" Oh, im sorry". i said and looked down

"No..no.no dont be, its fine" she smiled and i smiled back.

"Dinners ready, wheres your daughter?",.my very good father said.

"She probably on her way, she just texted me and asks whats your address, we can start without her",,.her mom said

That woman, why is she even late and how can i sure this person is good for me when she cant even impressed my own parents.


   While they're eating and chitchating.

*Ding dong*

       It must be her.

"Minju open the door",.mom said

As i stand up and opened the door i was literally shock whos the person behind it.

   "YOUU??!!" I shouted.

   "Yes me, thats how you welcomed your visitor?". she said coldly.

   "And what are you doing here?"i asked nervously not really.

   "Obviously my parents are there or did i just got a wrong address?" She said.

    "And i didn't know my future wife is kinda bit angwy person but i like it, it makes u look hotter." As she added and passed at me.

     Why this girl always doing that to me is she always in a rush or is she goin to poop or smth that she always passing behind me? But actually what she said made me blush a litt-- wut?? No no never, yes shes pretty,cool and cuteee butt noo, ill never forget what she did last time..

   As i chased her and passed at her, i wont let you this time,.

"You both already met? cause the way minju shouted looks like u both known each other".,her mom said, oh they heard..

while wonyoung looked at me teasingly this kid.

"Umm not rlly mom, and i didn't actually know my wife look this beautiful cause we only met once? Twice?" she said and hold my waist that made me blush.

  "Ya don't hold me like that"., i said angrily but not so angry cause i dont want to be rude, i just got suprise by her action.

  "Good but Chaewon dont annoy minju, look you made her blush" as her father said and laugh.

Oh her name is chaewon cute.

   "You must be chaewon".,my father said.

  "Im sorry for being disrespectful for not introducing myself,btw Im Kim chaewon your daughter's future wife".she said and looked at me

"please take care of me minjuu-ya" she added.

That made me blush 2nd tim--- nope.


Authorss note❤️

Hep heppp do y'all like the updatee??? Tell mee pleaseeee so that i can have some motivation, loveyouu wizoneee..




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