11. attached

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    Minju POV.

  I am currently at the gym with wonyoung practicing our cheerleading for the upcoming event,..

     "5 minutes break girls" our instructor said.

     "This is tiring unnie" wonyoung whining beside me

     "Who told you to join then?" I jokingly asked her

    "Yah unnie youre being rude". She said while pouting like a baby, well shes indeed a baby, a giant baby.

     I still wonder how we became sisters bcs she looks so cute when she does that while me lookin like a lost frog, how unfair the world is.

     "Is unnie being rude to you? Sow sorry wonnie let me treat you then, What do you want ?". I asked her while pinching her cheeks

    "Yah stop treating me like a baby, I wanttttt milk!!!". Wonyoung said happily

     "Okay then lets go to the cafeteria". I said to her smiling,

       Wonyoung and i were walking in the hallway when wonyoung poke me and pointing to something,

     as soon as i look what shes pointing i saw chaewon and her friends walking towards our way, they look like they got into fight,

  as they got closer it made me worried..,

bcs she got some bruised on her face.

   They're about to pass us when i called her.


    They all faced me except chaewon this brat,

      "Yah". I called her again

   Finally she faced me

       "Oh my god what happened to you". I asked worriedly, who wouldn't be?,And checked her bruised carefully not to touch it.

      "Im fine". She said blankly and removed my hand.

      "You're not". I said to her

       "I said im fine". Now shes being a dick again, even tho she dont have that.

       "Stop being stubborn and let me treat your bruised". I said and held her hand out in the hallway.
        I just bring her to our locker room, luckily no ones there

       "Sit". I said with a serious tone, glad she followed me, as i go to my locker and get a first aid kit.

    starting to treat her bruised and some wounds, god knows how many it is, this girl aishh. Didn't know shes that kind of person

      "You got into fight?" I still asked her even its obvious.

     "obviously, Why do you care?" She asked blankly.

   I was about to continue cleaning her bruised, when she stopped me and stares confusingly .

    "Bcs im your friend, no im still your wife and you're my responsibility thought that we still have this so called rules, duh im worried bout ur parents, what will they gon say if they saw you being like that, so let me treat your bruised kim chaewon". I said to her, whatt--- did i just--.nvm.


     She didn't talk more after that, thats why i didn't bother to talk more too and just continue treating her.

Third Persons POV.

      In the other hand the other girls left dumbfounded.

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