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Minju's POV.

"Its already settled!, the wedding is on your birthday",.my great great father said.

"Whatt??!! On my birthday?".i said shockingly

"Yes, do you have any problem with that?".

"Its like twooo weeks from now!" I said.

"We need the partnership as soon as possible".father said.

"You're UNBELIEVABLE". I said and as i take a glance at her how can she be so calm when both of us settled in this fckin wedding said to myself before rushed to my room.

Damnit! I really hate him, how can he let me married at the age of 21 when im still in college, this is frustrating!.


As i flap my self in my bed when yuri called me.

"Yah minguri, girls are bored we actually planning to go shopping, you in?".she said."and also bring wonnie eunbi said."she added

"Great timing!, yes i am always in beside i missed y'all , i think we should rlly go out, lez go shopping!".i said happily.

"Okayy, better move fast we will be there any minute"

"Aye aye that fast?!!, waittt".

As i rushed to find my clothes so that the girls wont tease me again for being slow.


"You aren't tired?? Unnie?". Wonyoung asked me.

" Ofc im not why would i? , This just the fifth store!".i said.

"Yess unnie just fifth store but look at them". She said as she pointed the four lying in the floor, aigoo this is so embarrassing how can they agreed doing shopping if they can't take it.

"Ayttt, yahhhh you all are embarrassing and you too eunbi unnie?"as i said and face palmed myself.

"Im tired okay? Haha its just that i didn't know the floor is nicer than my bed i should sleep here sometimes". Eunbi unnie said.

"You're right". Sakura unnie added.


"Yaa lets go get some food". I said.

they all stand up and act like nothing happened this what i like bcs when it comes to food we become one lol.

While we are eating in seaside peacefully feeling our food.

I should tell them....

"Im getting married".as i said without hesitation.

They chocked one by one lmao,.

also wonyoung cause she didn't know i will tell them this early, for what, wuts the purpose of taking this long when u can say it right away beside they're my best friends.

"What did you say?".Eunbi asked shockingly?.

"Whaatttt?" ..Yuri asked.

the two remained silence like the words i said didn't processed in them.

"I said im getting married". As i repeat.

"Look i know this is unbelievable, as long as i dont want to but i have no choice". I sighed.

"Who is that unlucky girl???". Yuri asked., I was about to smack her.

"But for real who is it?".she added and tryna be serious.

While the a others looked at me worriedly.

"kim fuckin chaewon". I said.

"What chaewon?"., Eunbi asked shockingly.

"Why dyk her unnie?". I asked

"Yes i know her i mean shes a friend of mine."

"Why we didn't know?". I asked lol why do i look like so curious.

"We are not that rlly close too, shes just a friend like we do talk but not so long, we rarely met ".she said

Ohhh.. i nodded.

"Is she beautiful like me?".yuri interrupted.

"Is she good when it comes to playing games?".sakura asked.

"Is she good at bed?". Nako added.

"We just met twice why y'all asking me that". i hissed and tryna stop my self from smacking this three.

Im really closed to disowned my friends .


Authors note❤️

Sorry if im having slow update yk i got a lot works to do, i promise ill do double update today ❤️

Arranged Marriage | 2kimWhere stories live. Discover now