The Wedding

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Time skip six months

Azrael's pov

I stood in the dressing room anxiously. I began pacing as I waited for my bridesmaids to appear. "Why are you pacing?" Maze says harshly. "What if Bruce backs out of the marriage. What if I am left alone in my old ages. What if we aren't good for each other." I rant on. "Okay I am going to stop you right there. Listen there are a few things wrong with your concern. Number one, if Bruce backs out of the marriage I will drag him down to the depths of hell and torture him myself. Number two, you can't age therefore you can't get old." Maze states. I throw up my hands and look at her. "Well that is comforting." I said. "And I have seen the way Bruce looks at you. He loves you Azrael more then anything." Maze promise. I smiled at her gently. "Thank you Mazikeen." I said as I felt tears begin to swell in my eyes. "Aww don't cry Azrael." Diana said as she walked into my room. I laughed and placed my fingers under my eyes. "You aren't even a complete bride yet." Linda said as she walked in with a vail. She placed the light material on my head. I looked at my bridesmaids and saw them in their deep red dresses. "You guys look amazing." I said. "Yeah I figured Linda would look good in red and well Diana wears it al the time." Maze announced. I smiled at her. "Azrael are you walking down the aisle by yourself?" Diana asked. "Well, my father." I started. "No I will be walking my daughter down the aisle." A deep, tender, fatherly voice said behind. I recognized the voice immediately. I turned around and faced my father. I gasped as I saw him in a grey and red suit matching the other men. "Daddy." I barely whispered. I rushed up to him and hugged him. My dad wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "I didn't think you were coming." I whispered to him. "And miss my daughters wedding, not a chance." He replied. "Now come now we have a wedding to attend." He added and we began to walk outside to the chilly September weather. Leaves began to fall upon the reception. Damian saw me as he held the wedding bands. "You look beautiful Umi." Damian said. Damian looked up at my father. "Umi who is this?" Damian asked stone faced. "Dami this is my father." I proclaimed. Damian nodded his head satisfied by my answer. The music started playing and the bridesmaids walked down the aisle. Then everyone stood up to face me. I walked into view and saw Bruce standing there waiting for me. We began to walk up to Bruce slowly. We finally made it up to Bruce. "You take good care of her, son." My dad said in a hushed voice and went to sit next to Amenadiel and the rest of my family. Of course Michael was not there. I looked at Bruce and smiled. "Wow you look stunning." Bruce said happily as a tear dripped from his cheek. I smiled at him. "Don't worry I already cried a little bit." I whispered. "You may be seated." Alfred said. "Today is a very special day. Today we get to watch as a 15 year old Christmas wish is finally fulfilled. Bruce and Azrael's journey started when a small boy picked Azrael to be the Personal Assistant of the CEO of Wayne enterprise and Entertainment. Instead of doing Azrael's duties. She went above and beyond for her boss's children. She would comfort them, go to school events, and act as their mother. Whenever Bruce would ask if she wanted anything in return. She said that the children's happiness was the only payment she needed or wanted. That is what true love is. True love is something very special that is rarely discovered. Today they get to seal their love in Holy matrimony. Bruce Wayne do you have your vows?" Alfred asked. Bruce nodded his head and grabbed my hands. "Azrael Cannan, you are the most wisest, caring, lover, and incredible women I have ever met. You came into my office that day and from that moment I knew you were different. You give off this comforting presence when you are around others. You have always been there for us when we didn't deserve, when we needed you, or when we didn't know we needed you. I promise to be there for you in our darkest hours and in our brightest moments. I promise to love you Azrael until the end of time." Bruce said. I laughed slightly at his final sentence. "Azrael Cannan do you have your vows?" Alfred asked. I nodded my head. "When I started my life. I thought that I would live alone all through out eternity. Then you came into my life. I wanted to get to know you better as a human not because of your wealth or looks, but because I had never seen someone make so many mistakes and rise up again. As time went on. You stopped inviting other women to the Galas instead you took me. Claiming that is saved time on finding a date. Even though I managed the thousands of phone calls you would get from adoring fans asking to go with you. Bruce you showed me that anyone can find love. It is just a matter of who you find it with. I love you Bruce and I am ready to spend the rest of eternity with you." I said smiling. "Could Jason, Dick, Tim, and Damian come to the alter." Alfred stated. Confusing the crowd and the four boys. I smiled at them brightly. "Dick when I first met you, you were so lost. I remember the first night Alfred called me to help comfort you because he heard you say my name. I  drove over to the manor like a nascar driver and frantically it's a wonder I didn't get pulled over. When I got there, I ran up the stairs and into you room. I saw you crying in a ball and I rushed over to you. I pulled you into my arms and rocked you back and through. That night I remember to promise I told you. That night I told you, that no matter what you did or what happened. I will always be there to hold you, protect you, and love you. I have never broken that promise to you Dick and I don't plan on ever braking it." I said facing Dick who was now in tears. I whipped off his tears and pulled him into a hug. Dick hugged me and then we pulled away. "Jason." I said. "Oh boy here we go." Jason muttered causing the crowd to laugh. I smiled up at him. "I remember the first time you thought you did your first drug bust." I said and paused. "It was late and Bruce was having some back issues, but as usual he refused to take pain medication. So I could some pain pills and began crushing them. By the time I was done the pills were only white dust. You walked into the room and jumped in front of me. You started crying because you thought I was about to do drugs. You said that you already had a mom would died by drugs and you didn't want to lose me too. You hugged me tightly and buried your head into my stomach. I bent down at hugged you tightly. I told you that I was never going to do drugs. You looked up at me with teary green eyes full of confusion. Then I pulled out the Advil container and explained everything to you. You smiled up at me with relief shinning in your eyes. Jason Peter Todd do you remember the promise I told you?" I asked. Jason nodded his head. "I promised you that I will always be strong for you, and love you no matter what mistakes you do." I stated. Jason lowered his head and began crying. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. I turned to Tim and smiled. "Hello Timmy, do you remember the first time you got stuck on a problem you couldn't solve?" I asked. Timmy nodded his head. "It was three thirty and Alfred called me because I had forgotten my wallet at the manor. As I drove up the driveway of the manor I saw your lights on. I walked into the manor up the stairs passed Alfred. I knocked on your door and saw you working furiously on that horrid calculus homework. I walked over to you and sat down next to you on your bed. We began working on the problem together and you slowly began leaning more and more into me. Until you stopped talking and you had fallen asleep leaning up against me. I smiled down at you and finished up the problem we had done together. I tucked you into bed that night and made a silent promise to myself. A promise I am now going to say out loud. Tim I will always be there to help you. When you ask for it or when you don't.  I promise to be the mother you need." I said to Tim. Tim smiled up at me and hugged me. Now I turned to Damian. I lowered onto my knee to face Damian. "Damian when you came to the manor. You acted like a arrogant, rude, and spoiled child. However you could not fool me. I knew you were just trying to mask your pain, loss, and the horrible feeling of abandonment. I knew all you ever wanted was to be loved and wanted by your mother. I knew you had never gotten that from your own mother. So I took it as my responsibility to give that to you myself. I don't want to be just your mother Damian." I said making the crowd gasp. Damian looked at me with hurt. "I want to be your best friend, the person who is always going to be there for you at any time and any place. Damian I want to your Umi, your mom." I said grasping his hands. "Damian you mean the world to me. I would go the hell for you, I would do anything for you. My only wish is to make you happy Damian. Your smile makes me smile and laugh. Your happiness makes me happy. I want to be with you for the rest of your life and mine. I love you my little angel." I cooed. Damian was in tears as he faced me. I began to cry seeming his face. He threw himself into my arms and cried into my neck. "Thank you Umi. I love you too." He whispered with a smile creeping onto his face. I kissed his head and stood up to face Bruce. Who was smiling brightly. "Bruce Wayne do you take Azrael Canan to be your lawfully wedded wife and mom to your four children?" Alfred asked. Bruce cleared his throat. "I do." He said loudly. "Azrael Canan, do you take Bruce Wayne to be your husband and Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian to your children?" Alfred said. "I do." I said smiling. "Then with the power invested in me you may kiss the bride." Alfred announced. Bruce leaned into me and we kissed tenderly. I heard the crowd go wild. "YASSSSSS THEY FINALLY GOT TOGETHER." I heard Jason scream. We pulled apart and saw the boys jumping around with happiness. Nine year old Damian smiled brightly up at me. I picked him up and placed him on my hip. My brothers ran up to me. "Azrael you did it. You found a family." Amenadiel said happily. I smiled. "Yes..yes I did." I smiled.

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