A Mother's Sacrifice

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Damian's pov

Umi just said I was her son when two loud booms sounded through the room. Two sounds I had grown up around, the sound of gunfire. The world became slow motion as I felt different. I watched in horror as two bullets hit my Umi. She dropped to the floor in pain. Suddenly the room burst into screams. I scanned the room for the shooter but saw no one. Then I heard Greyson scream. "MOM!" Richard screamed. I looked to the floor and saw Umi bleeding out. "UMI!" I screamed as I hurried over to the floor where my mother laid bleeding out. Dick pulled off his jacket to wrap around her chest where the bullets had hit. Dick started wrapping her chest when she cried out in pain. I picked up her head and held it in my lap. I began to cry as I watched as my Umi bleed. "Damian call an ambulance. Mom needs help NOW." Richard urged. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911. I waited for them to answer on the floor. Umi then let out a soft whimper. "Greyson there is a hole in your shirt," I stated confused. Richard looked down and saw a bullet hole in the shirt, but no bullet wound. "911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked. Dick quickly grabbed the phone and began talking on the phone. Greyson quickly walked to the window to get better service. "Umi did you protect us?" I asked with tears pouring down my face. I watched as her face contorted in pain, but she nodded her head. "Why why wouldn't you protect yourself?" I asked on the verge of breaking down. Umi sucked in a shaky breath. "I would rather die today err." She said shakily. "Then h..have you..boys..in..pain."  She added before whimpering. "Umi hold on please the emergency team will be here soon." I pleaded. "Dami...I can't." Umi started. "No please please I can't go on without you." I sobbed loudly. Umi shakily reached for my hand. I quickly grasped it. "Please Umi..please stay with us Mom," I begged desperately. To my relief, she nodded her head. Her body began to go limp. "Dami...I'm...sorry." She said as she fell limp in my arms. I watched as her arm fell to the ground limply. I screamed in pain as I watched her die in my arms. "NOOOO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US," I screamed brokenly. Suddenly Todd pushed me aside. Drake scooped me into his arms and held me close to his chest as I screamed for my mother. Todd began doing CPR on Umi desperately with tears running down his face. "UMI." I cried out as I reached for her. I felt Drake's tears fall onto my face as we cried together. Suddenly I heard a weak gasp. "Jason stop she is alive," Dick said. Jason stopped doing CPR as our mother's chest raised and fell. Dick quickly held Umi's head up so her lungs wouldn't fill with blood again. "Mr.Greyson were you able to get her breathing again?" The operator asked. "Yes, but can you please hurry. We don't know if she will live." Dick pleaded.  "The ambulance is nearly the location." The operator said as we heard the sirens in the distance. Suddenly Umi coughed out blood and sucked in a breath. Her breathing sounded like a smoker's breath. "Ma please hold on. I know we aren't the best kids, but please don't leave us." Jason pleaded. Suddenly the emergency response team plowed into the room with a stretcher. We shuffled out of the way as they quickly strapped Umi to the machine. "Boys come with us to the hospital." An EMS commanded. We nodded our heads and followed them into the ambulance. The world seemed to zone out until we were in the hospital and I was staring at the floor. I came to my senses when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and father that it was father. "Damian oh thank god you picked up. Where are you guys? I have been calling you for the last eight hours." Father said. My breath hitched as it hit me. Umi has been in surgery for eight hours. "CODE BLUE. we have a code blue on the operation floor. Will all medical professionals please come to the operating floor." The loudspeakers called out. My eyes widened. Umi was the only patient currently receiving surgery. "NOOO UMI," I shouted as I dropped my floor. "Damian wait," Dick shouted as I launched myself towards the operation floor. I felt strong arms wrapped around me. A flood of tears fell from my eyes as I cried out for my mother.

Bruce's pov

I was sitting in the Batcave listening to the phone horrified. I heard Damian scream in terror for Azrael and the phone drop to the floor. I felt a cold sweat run down my back as I heard the familiar of doctors shouted at each other. I quickly turned on the tv and saw the reporter Vicki Vale. "Azrael Wayne beloved mother and Wife of Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Richard Greyson, Timothy Drake, and Jason Todd was rushed into this hospital after receiving two bullets to the chest. Little is know about her current condition, but it was revealed that it would take a miracle for Mrs. Wayne to survive." I rushed up the stairs and grabbed the keys. "Master Bruce where." Alfred said, but I wasted no time and quickly hopped into the car. I rushed to the hospital and was surrounded by media once I pulled in. I ignored them and rushed up the stairs. I entered the hospital and saw my boys in the waiting room. I saw Jason holding Damian as he cried. I ran into the waiting room and collapsed onto the floor next to the two boys. Jason handed me Damian, who quickly began to cry into my shoulder. I rubbed circles on his back as his tears slowed to a stop. I sat down next to Tim and Jason. I looked at Tim and realized how young he truly was. My fifteen-year-old was crying and my seventeen years was biting his nails. Dick was pacing the floor when a doctor came bursting out of the operation room. The doctor walked straight up to us. "Mr.Wayne your wife has been stabilized. However, it is unclear if she will survive. These next 24 hours are vital to her survival. While in surgery she slipped into a coma and we do not know when or if she will come out of it." The doctor said. "Thank you, Dr.." I asked. "Dr.Johnson, I am the doctor in charge of your wife's condition." Dr.Johnson said calmly. I nodded my head. "Is there any chance we can see her?" I asked. "Yes, we are placing her in a room as we speak. I will bring you to her room once we are finished." Dr.Johnson said. "Thank you, Doctor." I nodded my head. The doctor walked away leaving us in our misery. "This is my fault." Damian said. "Damian, why would you think this is your fault?" I asked. "Before the gunshots, Umi gave Greyson and I her powers." Damian said shocking us all. "Why would she do that?" Dick asked in a pained voice. Damian now had tears in his eyes again. "Umi said that she would rather die today. Then have us in pain." Damian explained. "But we are in pain now." Tim said loudly. Suddenly Damian stopped crying. "No she was trying to protect Richard and I from.." Damian paused. "Saved us from what Damian?" Dick asked desperately. "Hell." A voice said behind us. I turned around to see Amenadiel. "Azrael knew the pain that Damian went through and she did not want any of her sons to experience that pain." Amenadiel said. "What do you mean she knew?" Jason asked. "A long time ago, a great plague swept through Europe, and father originally thought that Azrael unleashed the plague because of events in her personal life. So he sent Azrael to hell to spend the rest of eternity. However, it was relieved that the pledge was created by our brother Castiel. So after 24,000 years, Azrael was released from hell." Amenadiel said. "It isn't my story to tell, but I thought you should know that much." He added. "24,000 years?" Tim asked shocked. "Hell years, but yes. I tried to tell father that is wasn't Azrael, but with her being the angel of death. Everyone thought it was her." He stated. "Mr.Wayne you can see her know." The doctor said. "You go, I need to take care of tasks with my father." Amenadiel said. "Alright, I will call you if anything changes." I promised. Amenadiel nodded his head and left. We followed the doctor to Azrael's room. The doctor opened the door to expose my wife. I wanted to cry at the sight of her pale face. Her eyes had dark circles underneath them and it seemed like her body was cover in cords, tubes, and monitors. The boys sucked in a breath as they saw their mother. I grimaced as I saw a nasogastric tube and an endotracheal tube. "Her lungs were too weak to breathe on her own, so we placed her on a ventilator." Doctor Johnson said. "Thank you, doctor." I said quietly. "We will be sending in a nurse every hour to check on her." The doctor promised. I nodded my head and he left the room. Damian went up and rubbed his hand on hers. I felt hot tears began to fall down my face. 'If I had only been there, I could have done something.' I thought. Jason and Tim all sat down on chairs on the other side of Azrael. They had tears streaming down their faces as well.

Doctor Johnson's pov

I have worked on many patients including the infamous Poison Ivy, but I had never worked on such a famous person before. I knew that chances of survival for Mrs.Wayne were slim to none and for her to survive she would need to improve drastically. "Doctor Johnson you need to complete the report for your newest patient," Janet said. "Thank you, nurse." I nodded. I walked towards my computer and began my notes.
Patients name
Azrael Canaan Wayne
Hours of surgery
Eight hours
Chances of survival

I completed my report and was saddened. Azrael Canaan Wayne had done so much for the city of Gotham and now she was laying on her death bed. Waiting for death herself. "God if you can hear me. Please save Azrael she has done so much for Gotham. We cannot afford to lose more good people." I prayed.

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