The Good and the Bad

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Azrael's pov

I woke up and saw Damian curled up next to me. I smiled at the sight. Amenadiel texted me and said that Damian should have the pendant that actually went to my dagger. I thanked Amenadiel and pulled his pendant out of my dagger. I slipped the pendant around Damian's neck and took off mine. I looked at Damian and decided it was time I called in to ask for a favor from the devil himself. I snuck out of bed and dialed Lucifer's phone number. He quickly picked up. "Let me guess, you want me to do a favor." Lucifer guessed. "That would be correct. Find Talia Al Ghul and you will never have another favor involving me." I stated. "One Talia Al Ghul coming up." Lucifer said as he hung up. I smirked and got dressed into a suit. Then I heard a cute little voice call out to me. "Umi?" Damian's voice asked. I peered out of the bathroom and looked at my baby boy. "Hello, Dami, did you sleep well?" I asked. Damian nodded his head and walked up to me. I knelt down to him and pulled him into a hug. Damian wrapped his arms around my neck and allowed him to pick him up. I picked him up and carried him down to breakfast. Damian had his head nuzzled into my neck as we approached the dining room. I pushed open the door with my foot and walked into breakfast. "Hi mom, hi Damian." Dick said to us. Damian turned his head towards Dick. "Hello, Richard." Damian responded. Everyone was shocked by Damian using Dick's first name. I smiled and sat Damian down in his seat. Jason and Tim smiled at Damian. Who just looked at them like a kicked puppy. Alfred laid Damian's favorite meal in front of us and left us to eat. I was eating my eggs when I noticed that Damian wasn't eating at all. Instead, he was moving his food around the plate. The others were in their own world while they talked about their own issues and theories. "I was dead wasn't I?" Damian asked. I looked at him as he stared out into space. Instead of waiting for a response Damian spoke again. "I remember the flames and the screaming. There was always screaming. I remember the pain." Damian muttered out as he hugged his knees. Damian began crying and the other looked at me for help. I leaned over and picked Damian up. I held him close to my chest. "But then I remember the door to my cell being sliced down by a flaming sword which was held by some type of winged human. She looked just like you Umi..talked just like you too. She told me that people do love me and she hugged me. Then I remember her flying us out of that horrible place and the next thing I knew I was in a pitch-black box. I started banning the box and screaming. When I thought no one heard me. You called out to me." Damian said as he looked up to me. My breath was caught in my throat as he recalled his hell. I brushed his hair out of his face. "Damian I promise you will never go back there." I promised. "Do you understand." I urged. Damian nodded his head and nuzzled into my chest. Then the dining room doors burst open. "One murderous mother." Lucifer announced as he tossed Talia into the room. Damian started shaking at the sight of Talia. I reached into my suit and pulled out a pitch-black feather from my wings. I handed it discreetly to Damian. He stared at it with shock and then looked up at me. I winked at him and stood up. I sat Damian down on the ground and stood to face Talia. "Why would you bring her here." Bruce growled. "Oh, my sister just asked for a favor." Lucifer said as he gestured to me. Bruce and the three boys looked at me. I saw Talia begin to pull out a gun. I lunged forward with breakneck speed. I quickly grabbed the gun placed my thumb over the hole in the barrel. The gun went off and I felt the bullet hit my thumb, but it did nothing to me. The boys screamed in horror as they thought I had gotten shot. I bent the gun in half breaking it. Talia looked at me with shock. I threw the now broken gun to the side. "So you are the woman who murdered my son." I growled venomously. "He is my son." Talia hissed. I quickly backhanded her sending her flying to the ground. "A mother doesn't send her son to hell." I growled. I stalked around her. Then she moved to hit me with a katana. I grabbed the katana with my hand and ripped it out of her hands. I stared at the blade in my hand as she picked herself up and began to scramble away from me. "You claim that you are the mistress of death. That you have conquered it and will lead when you raise hell on earth. When you are only gifted with a mere fraction of the power I was born with. You claim to know the world you live in. Yet you remain unaware of the obvious." I growled. I pointed the sword at Talia. "You dare even call yourself a mother when you abused, tortured, and used Damian for years. You do NOT deserve to even look at him. He is the sweetest child I have ever met and I have been alive since the beginning of time. He is such an incredible child that I broke through the gates of hell and battled Demons for three hundred years to get him back." I shouted. "What are you?" Talia gasped out. I lowered my head and smiled. "I am the Angel of Death." I growled venomously. I let my wings fly open. "And you will never touch my sons again." I growled. A portal to hell opened next to her and two demons jumped out. "Get her out of my sight." I hissed. The demons nodded their heads and grabbed Talia. She screamed in terror as the demons dragged her to hell. "Well, that was worth the hassle." Lucifer said smugly. I now become concerned about my family. I turned around to face them and saw shock, happiness, and pride. "You were the angel who saved me." Damian gasped out as he twirled the feather in his hands. "Damian I am so sor." Damian cut me off by running into my arms. "Thank you." He cried out. I was shocked by his acceptance but quickly returned the hug. My wings wrapped around Damian protectively. "My mom is a FREAKIN ANGEL!" Dick shouted. I unwrapped Damian and looked up at the others. "I am sorry for not telling you guys sooner." I said as they started walking closer to me. I stood up to face them. "I had just tried to have a family before and when I told them. They tried to execute me and I didn't want to lose any of you." I rambled when Bruce grabbed my hand. "No Azrael, you are not going to lose us. I just told you that I was Batman three days ago. You had an exceptional reason as to why you hide it. I am happy that you told us now." Bruce said. "I have the best Ma ever." Jason said as we approached us. Dick hugged me and I felt Tim tug on my pitch-black wings. "The science behind this is incredible." Tim gasped. "Wait a minute. If you are the Angel of Death then is your brother Lucifer actually the Devil?" Dick asked. "Yes I am the Devil, but I was out of town when Damian went to hell." Lucifer stated. "You are so FUCKING COOL." Jason shouted. "Azrael you have some good offspring. Tell me what is your name?" Lucifer asked. "Jason Todd Wayne." Jason introduced. "Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar." He replied. "Wait Mr.Morningstar, do you have wings too?" Tim asked. "Yes as a matter fact I do." Lucifer said as he opened his pure white wings. Tim stared in awe at my brother. "We have the coolest family." Dick exclaimed. Bruce smiled and hugged me by my waist. Damian stood between us and hugged my arm. "Wait since when are we family?" Lucifer asked. "Oh well Mr.Morningstar, Bruce proposed to mom. So she is our stepmom now, but we call her mom." Tim reasoned. "Oh did he now?" Lucifer asked and I knew we were in for a wild ride.

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