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Azrael's Pov

"UGHH all the cameras have been wiped," Dick shouted. "In the whole city?" Tim asked. "Yes, who would want Damian dead or in their hands?" I asked. Then suddenly an attachment was sent to the Bat computer. "Should we open this?" Dick asked. "Too late." I chimed as I clicked on the video. I immediately felt pain. There on the screen was Damian. He was chained to the wall and his head hung limply. A massive bruise was punched into the side of his face, His legs were broken in a god awful way, and I saw a few of his ribs sticking out of his chest. slice marks littered his body. Then a woman walked into view. I gasped at the resemblance, this woman managed to look exactly like me. Her long brown hair cupped her face and piercing green eyes that looked into the camera. "Hello beloved, I heard you got engaged to a brown-haired bitch. You got some else in your life. So I am sure you won't mind if I give your precious little son to the devil to serve." The women hissed. "That is not how Hell works," I mumbled. "If you want your son back, I would come to find him." The women hissed and hung up. "We need to find Damian NOW," I growled. "Azrael calm down and lets us handle it," Bruce said as he changed into his Batman suit. "Bruce I can help." I offered. "Azrael no please just go up into our room," Bruce said. I glared at him but went upstairs. I met with Alfred. "Master Bruce sent you up?" Alfred asked. "Yeah, he did. Hey, do you have any of that champagne left over?" I asked. "I believe I do, would you like a glass?" Alfred stated polity. "Um, could I just see the bottle?" I asked. "Yes, you may Mrs.Canan," Alfred said as he passed me the bottle. I pulled out the cork and tilted back my head. In a few swigs, I downed the whole bottle. "God heaven Mrs.Canan you are going to be an alcoholic if you keep that up," Alfred said. "Ma how did you down that whole bottle and still be standing?" Jason asked as he entered the room. "Well, Jay Jay the answer is simple. I cannot get drunk." I replied. "How can you not get drunk?" Jason pressed. "I mean with all my time on being on earth. I have never been able to get drunk, high, or even tipsy." I explained. "of well we will definitely need to test that theory, but I came up to tell you that we are leaving to go rescue Damian." Jason informed me. I nodded my head. "I will come down and wait for you guys," I said. "Stay safe Jay Jay okay." I cooed. "You got it Ma," Jason said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I kissed his cheek and he ran off to save my youngest son.  "You know Mrs. Canan, you have brought so much joy and peace to this dark family." Alfred said. I looked at him with a question. Alfred must have read my confusion. "Mrs.Canan the first few weeks that Dick was here. He confided to me that he knew he was never going to have a motherly figure again. When you were assigned to be Master Bruce's personal assassinate. You were all Dick could talk about. You seemed to be the light in his life that he needed so desperately. You bought him toys, had game night with him, and watched him while Bruce was gone. I am glad that Bruce choose you to be his wife. The boys are lucky to have you in their lives." Alfred stated. "Thank you Mr.Pennyworth." I thanked. "Oh please call me Alfred." He smiled. "Than call me Azrael." I nodded.

Time Skip

I waited for the boys to get back in the massive chair facing the wall-sized computer. I waited for hours for my future husband's black vehicle. A sense of doom overcame me. Suddenly I heard the engine of the batmobile come roaring down the drive. I stood up and waited to help. I saw the slow movements of Nightwing and began to worry. Something is wrong, something has happened. I moved towards the vehicle as Tim and Jason hopped out. I noticed their saddened expression and feared for the worse. I pushed on towards Bruce when I saw the worst. There laying in a bloodied mess was my son. I screamed out in agony as I rushed towards him. I collapsed on my knees as the tears washed down my face. I clutched his limp body close to my chest as I whaled. I felt my heart brake at his pained face. Not even in death could he receive peace. I cried as I felt a hand land on my shoulder. Dick knelt down next to me and hugged me. I screamed as I knew my son was gone. I slowed my crying enough to speak. "Who killed him?" I asked tearfully. "His birth mother," Bruce answered. I get betrayal, anger, and finally determination. I kissed his forehead. I lifted my hand to my neck and unclipped the chain. The boys looked at me with wonder. In all my years on earth, I had never taken off that necklace from my neck. I placed the necklace around Damian's neck and placed the pendant onto his chest. I stood up and began walking towards the exit of the cave. "Azrael, I can appreciate it if you need time to process," Bruce called out. I nodded my head and left the cave. I hurried outside to which I opened my pitch-black wings and launched into the air. I soared towards LA. I landed on a residential street. The rain poured and lightning flashed through the sky. I walked up to the house door and knocked. I lowered my head as I began to cry again. Then the door open. "Oh hello Azrael, what are you doing here?" Linda asked. I lifted my eyes from the concrete and looked up with her. My eyes shined with loss, sadness, and desperation. "Oh, honey what happened?" Linda asked. Then the flood gates flooded over and I began crying again. "Did Bruce break up with you?" Linda asked.  I shook my head and collapsed to the floor. "" I wept out. "Who is?" Linda asked now very concerned. I clutched my knees my cried into them. "Damian," I said quickly as I felt pain. My son would never be able to walk the earth again. I felt Linda wrap her arms around me. I leaned into her comforting touch and cried. "You really loved Damian?" Linda asked. I nodded my head. I paused my crying to look at her. "There wasn't a thing in the world. I wouldn't have done it for him. If he would have asked to go to the Silver City. I would have brought him there." I stated. "But now he is gone," I added as I began to cry again. Linda began to rub circles on my back when someone came into the home. "Linda I am ho." Amenadiel paused once he saw us. "Azrael what is wrong?" He asked. I cried harder. Amenadiel got down to the floor and sat next to me. "Her youngest son died," Linda said. Amenadiel head whipped towards me. "Azrael why don't you bring him back?" He asked. I stopped crying and pushed myself off of Linda gently. "But how?" I asked. "Go up to Heaven or Hell and bring back his spirit." Amenadiel urged. "I would be starting a War in Hell," I added as I truly contemplated my next actions. "I know that is why you need this," Amenadiel stated as he held out his pendant. "Your pendant was false. All you really need is mine. Now go bring back your son." Amenadiel encouraged. I nodded my head. I closed my eyes and let my clothes change. I took out my dagger and looked at it. I took Amenadiel's pendant out and placed it into my dagger. The dagger lit up and became the Flaming Sword. I nodded my head towards my friend and brother. I ran out of the door and took flight. I am going to bring my son back, weather my father likes it or not.

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