Back on Earth

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Three  months later

Azrael's pov

We had gone back to Gotham after the boys became a pro at flying. Patrol was a piece of cake when you are all angels. I smiled as I did my hair and walked downstairs. "Ah, Mistress Azrael. What will you have for breakfast?" Alfred asked. "Um, I am craving an everything bagel. If we have them today." I stated. "By luck, we have one last everything bagel," Alfred answered. "Perfect," I said as I pulled out the cream cheese. I hummed a tune and sang a little part of the song. "Wow, Ma I didn't know you could sing," Jason explained. "Oh, I usually can't. I don't know why I can sing suddenly." I mentioned. "Do we have any waffles?" Stephanie asked. "No, I am afraid not Miss Brown," Alfred replied. I stared wide-eyed in horror as fumes began to pour out of Stephane's ears. Suddenly my bagel popped out of the toaster. "I will be taking this to go," I said as I grabbed my bagel and ran out the door. I drove down the road to downtown when I suddenly felt ill. I quickly pulled over and puked out on the shoulder of the highway. I cleaned myself up and climbed back into my car. I buckled down and drove into work. I walked into WE and went silently to the elevator and up to Bruce and I's office. I walked into my office and just plotted down to begin working on paperwork. Then my phone rang. "Hello?" I asked. "Yes Mrs.Wayne, Damian's school called and said he needed to be picked up." The assistant said. I sighed loudly and rubbed my forehead which didn't relieve my ever-increasing headache. "Alright, I will go pick him up," I replied and picked my purse. I hung up the phone and walked down the hallway. I went to my car and drove to Damian's school. I arrived at the school and walked up the steps. I was escorted to the principles office where Damian sat arms crossed. "Ah, Mrs.Wayne please please come in." The principal said. I nodded my head and sat down. "It has come to our attention that Damian has been bullied by the other kids. To the point where he has received messages to quote kill himself " The principal said shocking me. I had expected any else, but that. "Damian, why didn't you tell me?' I asked slightly hurt. Damian lowered his head in shame. "Is any action being taking against these kids?" I asked. "No Mrs.Wayne, I mean these are boys and we just have to accept that they are going to be boys." The principle stated. I stared at the principle with dead eyes. "Are you...Damian go to the lobby." I growled. "Moth-" Damian started, but I quickly cut him off. "Go to the lobby." I hissed. Damian nodded his head and left the room. "Are you fucking kidding me?!?" I growled venomously. "It is your job to make sure my child has a good experience and the best education the offer." I hissed. "I can understand Mrs.Wayne." He mumbled. "No, no excuses, my son will no longer be in your academy." I spat. "You will be emailing me the list of the idiots who decided to send death letters to my son," I growled and picked up my purse. I walked out of the room and slammed the door on my way out. I went to the lobby and saw Damian sitting in a chair looking miserable. "Damian we are leaving on," I said as the principal began to walk up to me. "No, you can go ahead and withdraw Damian from Gotham Academy," I growled and began to storm out of the school. Damian tailed after me as I stormed to the car. Damian hopped into my Porche and I began to drive home. We sat in silence and my knuckles became white. "Umi I am sorry I disappointed you," Damian said. I yanked the car over onto the shoulder. Damian stared wide-eyed at me as I took a deep breath. "I am not disappointed at you what so ever. Okay, I just furious that the school would allow that to go on. After I tried so hard to make sure you wouldn't get hurt." I said as I started to cry.

Damian's Pov

I watched as my mother began to cry. I felt a ping of guilt as tears swept down her face. I leaned into her arm and hugged it as cars sped past us on the freeway. Umi took a deep breath and sighed. "What do you saw about homeschool?" Umi said. I looked at her shocked. "I thought you were bluffing," I said shocked. "Hah no, I am being dead serious. If I want you to have the best education. Then I should give it to you myself." She stated as she began the car again. "Thank you, Umi," I said happily. "No problem honey," Umi said. "Umi what's wrong?" I asked. "Oh, nothing honey I just have a headache," Umi said. "I am sorry Umi." I apologized. "It's alright Damian it's just a headache," Umi said as we drove home. Soon we arrived home and Umi unlocked the door. "Oh, Dami I won't tell your father or brothers what happened until you are ready," Umi promised quietly. "Thank you, Umi," I said as I hugged her. She gave me a tight hug and then bent down to my level. "Now I was thinking about our first lesson. We would do something actually hard like Nuclear physics." She said with a smirk. "Finally a challenge," I replied with a smirk. "Alright great, I will create the schedule for our school work. Now you go on upstairs and take a shower. Then we are going to train." Umi announces. I run upstairs and quickly hop into the shower.

Azrael's pov

I went into the kitchen and spotted Alfred. "Mistress Wayne I was unaware you would be returning early," Alfred said. "So was I, but plans change." I shrugged and plotted down in a chair. "Mistress Wayne are you alright?" Alfred asked. "Yes, I just have a horrible headache," I said. "You look rather pale," Alfred commented. "I will make some tea," Alfred said. I nodded my head and rested it on my hand.

Bruce's pov

I walked into the manor and was greeted by silence. "Hey, bo-" I begin, but Tim quickly ran into me and placed his hand on my mouth. "Father, what are you doing?" Damian hissed in a hushed tone. "What is going on?" I whispered mildly concerned. "Come see for yourself," Tim whispered. As they led me to the kitchen strangely. I walked into the kitchen to see Azrael dead asleep. Jason was quietly shutting the curtains and Dick placed a pillow on the table. Azrael's head fell limply on the table right after Dick moved out of the way. Then Damian silently walked in and gently wrapped a blanket around her.  "Azrael is usually never this tired," I stated. "Well, Master Bruce perhaps she isn't feeling well," Alfred said softly. "Umi did mention that she had a headache." Damian chimed in quietly. I nodded my head and sat down on the tile. Soon it past 6 pm and Azrael shot upright. She looked around the room frantically. "Well good morning beautiful." I cooed. "Ugh, how long did I sleep?" She asked. "Four hours," I answered. "Well, I am now wide awake." She replied smiling. "Well, you are just none stop," I stated. "Nope." She answered with a smirk.

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