A Mad Bat is Bad

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Bruce's pov

I watched as Azrael slept and Damian slowly fell asleep on Azrael's hand. I was shocked to see this much emotion out of all of the boys, but I didn't question it. Azrael had warmed herself into our hearts and the thought of losing her was far too much of a loss itself. I stared at her as her chest slowly raised and fell on the bed. Her once tan skin had now lost its color and could be mistaken for the bedsheets. The nurses came in every once in awhile, but nothing changed. Tim stared at her as well, he seemed so broken as he looked down at her. "And to think I thought coffee was more important," Tim muttered. "Tim no one thought that a press conference would cause this much pain," I stated. "But if I had been there." Tim started. "No Tim, if you would had been there. You would have added to the people Azrael would have protected. She still would have sacrificed herself for you boys." I stated. "I just wish this didn't happen." Tim moped. "I should be finding Azrael's shooter," I mumbled. "Hey go on and find out who he or she is. We will let you know if anything happens." Dick said. Jason nodded his head in agreement. I stood up and walked out of the hospital room. "Ah leaving Mr.Wayne?" Doctor Johnson asked. "Yes unfortunately I have some unexpected business to attend to," I answered. Doctor Johnson nodded his head and left. I quickly walked out of the hotel and into my car. I drove back to the manor quickly and unlocked the front door. "Master Bruce I saw the news is Mistress Azrael alright?" Alfred asked. "Yes she is recovering, but right now I need to find her shooter," I said. I rushed to the cave and changed into my suit. I sat at the bat computer and began pulling up security camera footage of the conference. "What's going on?" A chipper voice asked. I knew that it was probably Stephanie and Cassandra. They would not be happy with Azrael's injuries. "Mission report," I said gruffly. "Well, the league of Shadows compound was empty when we got there," Batgirl said. "Where is everybody?" Stephanie asked. I sighed and turned on the news. "This just in Azrael Wayne the current Co-CEO of Wayne Enterprises and Entertainment is currently in the ICU and it is almost certain that she will not make the night. Reporting live from Downtown Gotham public hospital this is Vicki Vale." Vicki said. "Mom was hurt," Cassandra says shocked. "Two bullet wounds to the chest. One impaled her lung and the other one was buried deep into a heart valve." I stated. "Oh my god is she going to make it?" Batgirl asked nervously. "We don't know, that will be decided on the next 24 hours. We need to find Azrael's shooter before they have any time to relocate." I growled. Batgirl nodded her head. "Black Bat and I will check security cameras where the shooting took place, while you go to the crime scene," Batgirl said. I nodded my head and took the batmobile to the crime scene. I was arrived to see the police in the arena. I walked up to the crime scene and into the building. "Ah thank god Batman you are here," Gordon said. "Not that he did any help today," I growled quietly to myself. "What was that?" Gordon asked. I ignored him and walked through the arena. I saw the bullet holes. "Have you men checked those roofs?" I asked. "No, we are working out the warrants," Gordon said. I walked over to the shattered glass and examined it. There were four bullet holes, but only two entered Azrael's body. Then I saw the bloodstain on the floor. I tightened my fist by my side. I saw the two bullets that Azrael protected the boys from. The bullets were for an M24 Sniper Weapon System a popular weapon for Floyd Lawton Aka Deadshot. I stormed out of the building and grappled onto the roof. "Batgirl any information on the shooter?" I grumbled. "Yes, Black Bat, and I saw Floyd Lawton at the scene earlier in the day," Batgirl said. I growled angrily. "Black Bat is almost at your location hang tight," Batgirl said.

Dick's pov

I watched the group slowly turn to just Tim and I. "So I guess you are not going to sleep." I stated. "Nope," Tim answered flatly. Then the doctor came in to check on Mom. He checked her breathing and his eyes furrowed in confusion. "This is strange it seems as if her lungs are strong enough to handle breathing on her own again." Doctor Johnson said. Damian and Jason now were wide awake. "Richard, do you think you could help me remove the ventilator?" He added. I nodded my head. "Just support her head up so the tubes will come out properly." He said. I wrapped my hands around her head gently. I lifted it ever so carefully. "That is it." He said as he began to pull the tube out of her nose. Jason and Tim grimaced as the tube came out. "Don't worry boys the mouth tube is much shorter." Doctor Johnson said. Damian crossed his and looked away as we pulled out the mouth tube. The doctor placed a Nasal Cannula in Mom's nose. "What is the purpose of removing tubes and just adding more?" Damian snapped. "Well, your Mother's lungs are now strong enough to breathe on her own. However, we don't want to strain them too hard. So we are giving her a Nasal Cannula. It is incredible how quickly she is recovering. Now she is due to make a full recovery." He concluded. We lightened up immediately at this news. "Seriously...You mean that our mom isn't going to die?" Tim asked hopefully. "No, she is definitely going to live as long as nothing goes sideways." He confirmed. Tim nodded his head and went back to sitting.

Bruce's pov

"Who hired you to kill Azrael Wayne?" I growled venomously as I held Floyd over the ledge of a roof. "Why does it matter to you?" Floyd gasped. "Answer the damm question," I growled and lowed him closer. "Okay okay, Ra Al Ghul," Floyd said. I threw him onto the roof again. I placed cuffs on him and contacted GCPD. "I have the shooter of Azrael Wayne," I growled. "Black Bat stay here with Deadshot," I commanded. Black Bat nodded her head. I jumped off the roof and grappled to the Batmobile. "Alfred ready the Batjet," I said into my mic. "Right away sir," Alfred replied. "It's time I visit a certain demon." I growled.

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