The rise of Batwomen

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Azrael's pov

Bruce and I had decided that instead of doing a honeymoon we would spend time with the boys. However, as Bruce said "crime never stops" and they continued to patrol the streets of Gotham. "Sorry Ma, we would let you join us, but your suit doesn't necessarily scream that you are normal," Jason said. "That is alright Jason. I am happy just sitting here with Titus and Alfred." I said as Titus sat beside me and Alfred the cat sat on my lap. "Titus I have a very important job for you. You better make sure Umi stays safe and happy. If she gets cold you bring her a blanket." Damian instructed his dog with a firm voice. Titus barked a reply and nodded his head once. "Wow, Dami Titus takes commands perfectly. He must understand you very well." I complimented. "Yes, Titus is a very smart dog," Damian replied and nodded his head. I smiled as I sat in the massive chair in front of the bat computer. When Bruce came out in his Batsuit. "I am sorry angel, maybe next time you can join us," Bruce says as he leans in to kiss my lips. "It's alrighty Brucie." I smiled softly. I heard Jason snicker. "Is something wrong Jay Jay Baby?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "MAAA I thought you weren't going to call me that anymore," Jason said. "I am more than happy to call everyone embarrassing pet names. If you want to laugh about it." I announced. "Oh, crap we gotta go. I am not being called my name." Tim said and ran towards the batmobile. "BYE TIMMY BEAR," I shouted. "UGHH MY MASCULINITY," Tim shouted. "I didn't know he had any," Damian mumbled. "YAY I HEARD THAT," Tim shouted. "CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE EARS," Damian shouted back causing me to laugh. "My brain hurts," Jason mumbled. "You can't hurt what you don't have." Damian roasted back. I stared mouth open at Damian. "ooooOOOOOOHHHH." Dick said like a child. "Dick stopped acting like a child in elementary." Jason snapped. Dick pouted and crossed his arms. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Alright, you boys be safe," I said with a smile. "We will mom," Dick said with a smile. Damian came over and pecked my cheek. "Stay warm," Bruce said and tenderly kisses my lips. I smiled and waved them off. I was working on the bat computer when Alfred cane down. "Would you like some tea Mistress Azrael?" Alfred asked. "How could I saw no you your tea Alfred," I stated. I took a sip of Alfred's tea and relaxed a little bit. "I can sense you are tense Miss Azrael," Alfred announced. "How do you do it, Alfred. Just let them go into the night to fight psycho clowns and women who control plants?" I asked. "Honestly Miss Wayne, half the night I pray to god I don't have to buy another burial plot," Alfred said. "You are telling me." I sighed. Alfred looked at me concerned. "Mrs. Azrael we have been focused on making sure Damian is recovering from his time in hell, but we never asked how you are doing," Alfred stated. "I have been to hell multiple times and I am sure it won't be my last time there. Since I am the angel of death, but I am fine Alfred. Thank you for your concern, however." I said with a smile. "Are you sure Mrs. Azrael?" Alfred asked with a raised brow. "No, I am not. I just never wanted to see my son hurt like that. I know how the days in hell work. Every day in hell is 100 earth years. I spent three hundred years fighting demons without rest. Then I ran through the halls trying to find my poor baby, but I couldn't find him sooner. I know my story is nowhere near the pain Damian went through and I understand that perfectly." I reveled. "I see well Mrs. Azrael maybe you could talk to Doctor Linda and ask for help," Alfred said. "Thank you, Alfred." I thanked him as he began to walk up the stairs. "My pleasure Miss Azrael," Alfred says as he disappears upstairs.

Time skip

I was sitting at the bat computer reading files when the emergency alarms went off. I tracked it the location of the alarms and saw that the boy's trackers were in an old abandoned warehouse while Bruce was in crime alley. "I shall retrieve Master Bruce." Alfred said scaring me. "Oh, my dad." I said clutching my chest. Alfred smiled lightly at me. I looked at the computer and saw that Bruce was in Crime Alley and the boys were at the old abandoned warehouse. I quickly shaped shifted into my armor. "Oh Mistress Azrael, Gotham doesn't like meta-humans or aliens." Alfred said. "So what should I do?" I asked slightly panicked. "Perhaps you should wear the Bat-suit Master Bruce and I made for you." Alfred said. My eyes widened as he pressed a button. A drawer opened to reveal a black and grey Batwomen suit a. I touched the suit hesitantly. I picked up the cowl and held it in my hands. "I guess it's time to join the party." I said. I quickly changed into the bat-suit and walked towards the garage part of the cave. "Oh, Batwomen you might want a utility belt. They come with batarangs, grappling hooks, smoke bombs, and other items of your convenience." Alfred said. "Thank you, Alfred." I said. Alfred hopped into an older version of the batmobile and left. I hopped into the batmobile. "Dammit, I don't even know how to start this bloody thing." I mumbled. "I believe the key is in the main compartment of your utility belt." Alfred said in the com placed in my ear. I pressed my thumb on the belt opener and took out the modern key. Then the car turned on. "Okay, I am guessing this is like a normal car." I mumbled as I slowly pressed the gas. Suddenly the car lurched forwards and zoomed out of the Batcave. I was shocked by the power this vehicle had but quickly pushed in the direction to the warehouse. Soon I was five blocks away from the warehouse. I parked the batmobile in an alleyway and locked the car. I climbed up a fire escape and made myself invisible. I jumped along the rooftops until I landed on the warehouse roof. I worked silently for a way to get in. I looked and saw a hole in the roof. I looked up at the sky and planned to climb into the building when a cloud passed. However, I leaned over and listened in on the conversation whatever dumb villain kidnapped them now. "Well well isn't this familiar." The Joker said. I made myself visible clearly because the batfamily doesn't have any powers. The Joker was twirling a crowbar in his hands. I saw the cloud cover the moon which made my opportunity to take down the Joker wide open. I crawled in and hopped silently from the rafters. "With big daddy bats gone you have no one to protect you." Joker smiled. "So I can all beat ya to oblivion." He added. I saw that his only back up was Harley and two goons. " umm boss you sure the Batman isn't going to show up?" A goon asked. "Uggghhhh I TOLD YOU IDIOTS I HAD CATWOMEN TAKE CARE OF IT." Joker screamed. "NOW GO CHECK THE DOOR." Joker snapped. I saw Harley leave and I saw an opportunity. I made my way over to the goons and jumped down upon them. I silently took them out and shot a grappling hook up to the ceiling taking the knocked out goons with it. The boys didn't seem to notice me yet so that was good. I crept on the side of the walls staying in the shadows. My black cape wrapped around me as I walked closer to the Joker. "Now how about we have some fun with our good old crowbar. Yes, I think I would enjoy that HAHAHAHA." Joker laughed. I ran at him. "Enjoy this." I growled. Joker turned to face me when I sucker-punched him square in the jaw. Joker went flying towards the walls. "MISTA J!" Harley shouted. She began to run towards me. She swung her bat at me. I quickly caught it in my hand and snapped in half. Harley jumped back and began to fire her gun at me while she laughed loudly. I dodged the bullets easily and kicked the gun out of her hand. Harley began to fight me in hand to hand combat. I blocked her punches and grabbed the back of her head. Then I picked my knee up into her forehead multiple times. Harley fell knocked out at my feet. I hurriedly walked over to the boys. "Are you boys hurt?" I asked quietly. No one responded at first. "Hello." I whispered. "Yo guys I think I am hallucinating." Red Hood whispered. "You know what..where are the handcuffs?" I growled. "The furthest compartment to the left." Nightwing answered. I pulled out the cuffs and walked towards Joker. I placed the cuffs on him and Harley. "Um, Hood I don't think you are hallucinating." Red Robin said. I pulled out a Batarang and cut off their restraints. "Agent A, inform authorities that I have Harley, Joker, and two of his goons in custody." I growled. The boys listened in on their coms to see who I was. "Right away Mrs. Azrael." Alfred said. I smirked and looked at the boys as their faces turned into shock. "Let's go." I growled and pulled out the grappled gun. Robin stood up and hissed as he toppled over. I moved quickly and caught him. His face contorted in pain as he began to silently cry. I looked down at his leg and saw that it was a mangled mess. I growled angrily at the pathetic excuse of a clown. I scooped Damian up in my arms and held him close to my chest. I made sure everyone was still knocked out. "I am sorry my little angel I should have been faster." I whispered. I looked at the others and saw a few bruises, but that was it. Nightwing walked over and handed the boys their utility belts. "Let's go." I said calmly. I launched my grappling hook and went flying towards the night sky. Nightwing, Red Robin, and Red Hood followed closely behind me. I began running towards batmobile carefully making sure I cause Damian any discomfort. I opened the batmobile doors and set Damian in the passenger seat. Nightwing, Red Robin, and Red Hood climbed into the back seat. I followed in close behind them. I locked the doors and yanked off my cowl. "Are any of you hurt besides Damian's broken leg." I said with my voice full of concern. The boys just stared at me. "I know you boys wanted to do this alone and you have every reason to be upset at me, but." I started when Jason quickly interrupted me. "What no are you kidding me. We are just shocked that you have a suit and better yet. How did you sneak in without us spotting you." Jason said. "Yeah I mean I can understand Joker, but we are supposed to be able to spot everything in our environment." Tim said confused. "I had to find from dinosaurs, humans are easy compared to those suckers." I said and turned on the batmobile. "WHAT you were alive with the dinosaurs?!" Dick asked shocked. "Yeah, I helped create the first living animals." I announced as I launched us out of the alleyway. The GCPD was taking away Joker and Harley as we left. I pulled back up my cowl and drove to the cave. We drove in silence back home. "Damian when we get home I am going to give you pain medication and then fix that leg." I said. Damian looked at me with question and pressed a button making a plastic sheet go up between the front seat and back. The boys protested, but we couldn't hear them because of the soundproof sheet. "You mean you aren't upset at me for not noticing Joker?" Damian asked with slight panic. "Damian I am not upset at you. Every mistake you make is a learning experience and an opportunity for you to improve. I am not mad at you at all." I explained. Damian ponders those words for a little bit. "Damian you don't have to worry about me being like Talia. I would never treat a living being as horrible as she treated you. Everything in the world deserves respect, love, and care. However, when you finally kill someone on your own will then you need to be punished." I growled the last part. "Umi, but I killed people." Damian mumbled quietly. "No YOU didn't, your mother made you kill and if you didn't follow her directions then she would torture you." I stated. Damian still seemed confused. "Damian did you like killing?" I asked. After a while, Damian answered. "No..." Damian answered. "So you should say that it was against your will." I proclaimed. "Yes, I suppose so." Damian agreed. "So in God's eyes, you are innocent." I stated. "I don't care about his opinion." Damian mumbled quietly trying to find his words from me. "You are also innocent in my eyes." I added. Damian looked up at me happily. "Thank you, Umi." Damian said softly like the small nine years old he is. I smiled softly at him. I pressed the button to let down the plastic covering in the back. "So did you two enjoy your conversation?" Jason asked bitterly. "Yes, yes we did Todd."

Bruce's Pov

I felt gentle hands take off my armor and begin to bandage me. I groaned out in pain as the pain in my chest grew. "Ah hello, Master Bruce," Alfred said. I opened my eyes and saw Alfred placing my ribs back in place. Then it hit me. "The boys, Joker has the boys," I said panicked. I tried to get up when Alfred pushed me down. "Master Bruce you are in no condition to rescue them. Beside Mistress Azrael has already rescued the boys and arrested both Harley Quinn and Joker." Alfred said. "Do not worry Master Bruce, I made sure she wore the new suit," Alfred added. "I just don't want her to be targeted because of her gifts." I reasoned. "I know Master Bruce. I believe she knows that too." Alfred said. I lay down and let myself fall asleep.

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