I am the mother of Damian Wayne

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Azrael's pov

Dick, Jason, and Tim jumped out of the batmobile and walked over to Bruce. I picked up Damian and walked over to a medical bed. Alfred looked dead tired as he walked down the steps. "Alfred you are excused for the night. You look like you need sleep." I said. "Thank you Mistress Azrael," Alfred said. I nodded my head and turned back to Damian. I injected some pain medication and pressed Damian to lay down. "This might hurt," I warned. "That is okay," Damian replied. I moved the bone back into place swiftly. Damian didn't respond yet. "I am ready," Damian said. I smiled softly and picked up the bandages. "I already fixed your leg angel." Damian picked his head and looked. "How come I didn't feel it?" Damian asked confused. "The magic of medicine," I said with jazz hands. Dick, Jason, and Tim laughed at me. "I know I am a cartoon," I said as I placed my hand on my hip. I began to wrap a caste around Damian's leg. "Alrighty either you need crutches or someone to carry you places," I stated. Damian nodded his head and held up his arms. I picked him up and walked over to Bruce. I sat down in a chair next to the bed. Tim was knocked out asleep standing up against the wall. I sat Damian on Bruce's bed and let him cuddle up against him. I saw Jason walk over to my chair. I moved over so he could sit in the same chair as me. Dick picked Tim up and sat in the chair to my left. Slowly his head began to lean into my body as he fell asleep. I grasped my husband's hand and rubbed it with my thumb. I rested my head on the mattress and snuggled up next to his hand.

Bruce's pov

I felt someone pressing up against my side and something on my head. I opened my eyes and saw Damian curled up against me. There was a caste of his left leg, but other than that he seemed to be fine. I looked to my right and saw Dick and Tim curled up together. I looked down and saw Jason laying on my beautiful wife. Azrael was bent over and laying on my hand. Her face was calm and peaceful. Damian moves closer to me and goes back to his slumber. Then I feel Azrael move. I look at her and see that her peaceful expression was exchanged for expression of fear. She winced a few times and then tears dropped from her eyes. Then she shot upright and made eye contact with me. She smiled happily and kissed my hand. "Are you alright my love?" I asked quietly. "I am now beloved." She cooed back. Suddenly Dick shot awoke. "BRUCE!" Dick shouted scaring everyone awake. "Oh my god," Jason said clutching his chest. "You scared the living shit out of me," Jason added. "How are you feeling B?" Tim asked.  "I am fine," I grumbled. "Yes because falling from an eight-story building is fine," Alfred said. "You are staying in bed today. I don't care if it is in our room or the cave, but if I hear that you were out so help me, dad." Azrael rants. I smile at her. "Alright, I will stay in bed," I promised. "Okay, I will go into work and cover for you," Azrael said. "Oh, Mrs.Wayne I believe you have a press conference today," Alfred said. "Ugh that's right today was supposed to be a major press conference with the boys and me." I groaned and started to get up. "Ah aha Ah, you said you were going to stay in bed and besides 99 percent of the time. I would do your interviews or business deals because you were off-world or slept in too late. Besides, the boys and I can handle a little press conference." Azrael smiled. She stood up and kissed me. "Alrighty, boys ready for some fun?" Azrael asked. "What about Damian?" Dick asked. "Damian, how does your leg feel?" I asked. "It feels fine," Damian answered calmly. "Damian I want you to wear loose pants to cover up your caste," Azrael said. "The rest of you get dressed in nice clothes," Azrael said. "And that doesn't mean wearing a shirt that says I have daddy issues," Azrael added. Jason crosses his arms angrily.

Azrael's pov

The boys and I got dressed quickly for the press conference. Soon we were speeding out the house and into my car. "Any idea where the press conference is?" Jason asked. "Yes, I have the address plugged into google maps," I answered. Tim looked at the screen on the dashboard showing the directions. "Ugh, we are going to be going through a work zone." Tim sighed. "What's wrong with that?" I asked. Suddenly I saw a sign ahead. "Uh, road work ahead. Yeah, I sure hope it does." Dick said. I looked at him with a raised brow. "I don't get it," I said. Dick turned towards the door and then faced us again. This time he had plastic spoons on his eyes. "Hmm sorry, I am just blocking out the haters," Dick said making Tim and Jason burst out laughing. "Where did you get the spoons!" I asked loudly. Making Dick laugh. "No, seriously wherein dad's name did you get spoons?" I asked utterly confused. We laughed the rest way to the conference. "Ugh, Ma Tim, and I don't want to do the conference. Can we go to the coffee shop across the street?" Jason asked. "Yeah of course. I am not going to force you to do something you don't want to do." I said. "Thank you, mom," Tim said as he and Jason fled the car to the coffee shop. I pulled up to the conference and parked the car. I put the keys in my purse and looked at Damian. "Are you two ready?" I asked. "Do not worry Umi. We will not flee like Todd and Drake." Damian said as he held a tight fist. I laughed and ruffled his hair. We walked into the building and cameras started flashing. "Mrs.Wayne over here." I heard someone scream. "Richard Greyson over here." Some else shouted. We ignored their calls and went to the stand where we would be answering questions. "Alright everyone, the Waynes are now open for questions," Lucius said. I nodded my head and walked up to the mic. "Mrs.Wayne why did your husband Bruce Wayne make you Co-CEO and owner of Wayne Enterprises and Entertainment?" A reporter asked. "Well, I have been managing the company for plenty of time before he made me the Co-CEO," I answered. "Richard Greyson what is your relationship to Mrs.Wayne?" Another reporter asked. "Well, she is my mom. She has been there for me from times when I needed her the most and when I thought I didn't deserve her love." Dick said. "Mrs.Wayne there have been reports that you are Damian's birth mother. What do you have to say those reports?" Vicki Vale said. "Why on earth would there be rumors that I am Damian's birth mother?" I asked. "Well you have the brown hair that Damian has mentioned, you have green eyes, and you are the same ethnicity as Damian," Vicki concluded. I looked at Damian on how to handle this. He nodded his head. "The truth is...I am the mother of Damian Wayne." Then the room filled with questions, but then I heard a sound that no mother wants to hear.

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