Chapter 1

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The scrambled eggs smelled delicious, but nothing topped the sweet vanilla scent of my wife. I inhaled, blessing my nostrils, and pressed a kiss against her cheek.

"Happy anniversary, sweetie," I said and I saw the light blush, that I loved so much, erupt on her cheeks. "You woke up early, this morning."

I brushed her hair aside and planted a kiss against her neck. "I know. I couldn't sleep anymore and I figured I'd better do something useful. Is Henry awake?"

Emma looked at me and smiled sweetly. She was still in her pajamas and looked adorable.

"No, I figured I'd let him sleep for five more minutes, but that was four minutes ago, so he still has one minute left."

The blonde rolled her eyes and chuckled. "You're so precise," she said and I shrugged.

"Well, yeah, but if I wake him up one second earlier than he needs to, he's grumpy for the entire day. You know that."

She hummed in response and finished the eggs. "Gina, I'd say wake him up, otherwise he's forced to eat cold eggs."

Surprisingly, right when I wanted to leave the living room, Henry entered the room. He was never up early and relied on me and Emma to wake him up for school.

"I'm awake," he said. He was fully dressed and ready to go to school.

"That's new," Emma replied and we exchanged a look.

"Yeah, well.. I was up early," Henry responded and sat down at the table. Emma put a slice of bread and eggs on his plate, when the doorbell rang.

I looked confused at my wife, but she held the same confusion upon her face. "Do you expect someone?" She'd turned to me, but I shook my head no, as did Henry. "Probably a mailman or so, I'll get it," she said as I sat down.

Henry and I looked confused at one another as Emma disappeared in the hallway.

"Do you have anything special in school, today?" I asked my son, and he shrugged.

"My presentation. I'm quite nervous."

"Oh, sweetie, you prepared so well for that presentation. I'm sure you'll do perfectly fine," I ensured him and he smiled faintly.

He took a bite of his bread and kept quiet, when Emma came walking back inside the room with a rather flustered look on her face.

She walked straight to me and kissed me passionately. "Moms!" Henry said, raising his voice and I pulled away in confusion.

"Emma?" My tone was laced with confusion and dismay. "Who was that?"

Emma sat down beside me and shook her head. "No idea. Someone must have let the door open downstairs, or something," she responded and started eating her breakfast.

I raised my eyebrows and kept my eyes on Emma as I continued eating breakfast.

There was more tension than usual. It was painfully quiet during breakfast, making me wonder who had been at the door and why Emma seemed so uncomfortable.

When he was finished eating, Henry stood up from his chair. "I'm going to school. Bye!" He kissed our cheeks and I stood up as well to walk him to the door.

"Enjoy your day and good luck on your presentation, sweetie." He waved, before he left the apartment and I closed the door.

I walked back and looked at Emma, who was still finishing up breakfast. She looked innocently at me, whereas I tried to look as stern as possible.

"Something wrong?"

"You tell me. Who was at the door and what did they want?" I sat down on the chair I previously sat, next to Emma, and looked penetrating at her. That look always got Emma to talk.

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