Chapter 10

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Zelena was easily noticable in the crowd. She was dressed as the most basic witch, with a broom in her hand and a black top hat on her head.

She was pacing, probably looking for me and I plastered my most confident smirk on my face.

"If she's not here in five minutes, I'm freeing the Dark One," she threatened and the crowd gasped as she held the dagger above her head to show it to everyone.

They seemed to fear her more than ever and I confidently strutted her way. I was prepared to fight and die, because I'd just confessed my feelings to Emma and I wasn't ready to face that reality furthermore.

I didn't recognize anyone among the people in the crowd. Not even Snow and Charming, who normally wouldn't miss things like these.

"No need to worry, I'm right here," I stated and walked closer to her.

Zelena immediately turned to me and I saw a smirk spreading across her face. She walked towards me and I straightened my posture, trying to seem as confident as possible.

I stepped forward, but before I could say anything, Zelena moved her hand towards my neck.

"Given the look on your face, I assume you did your research?" Zelena concluded and tightened her grip around my neck.

She wasn't squeezing the oxygen from my lungs, yet, but her fingers around my neck weren't appreciative at all.

"Yes I did, but one thing is still unclear to me," I said. "Why do you hate me so much?"

It was confirmed that Zelena was my sister. Rumple had written a letter about her and she was much more powerful than I was.

But why did she hate me?

Why did she despise me so much that she found it worthy enough to curse an entire kingdom?

Zelena should call herself lucky that she managed to escape my mother's claws. My mother was horrible to live with and she was mentally exhausting.

"Because you got everything," Zelena spat and I felt her her hand tighten around my neck. "And you never appreciated it. You became queen, had everything you greedy heart desired and yet it never was enough for you."

I wanted to reply, but I simply couldn't. Air was being taken from my lungs and I couldn't get breathe normally anymore.

"Regina!" I recognized Snow's voice and heard footsteps in the distance, but I couldn't fully concentrate anymore.

I had to put all my energy into breathing.

"Zelena can be defeated by light magic!" Snow yelled.

Light magic?

I didn't possess light magic. My magic was darker than most and I'd not once used light magic.

And how was Snow suddenly so convinced that light magic would destroy the woman?

"We need Emma!" David exclaimed.

I heard the crowd starting to whisper and mumble things, but I felt my body giving up. I needed any form of magic now, light or dark, just to blow her away.

I tried concentrating on the familiar buzzing in my body, but I could only think of Emma and how she'd defeat the Wicked Witch so easily.

Luckily, she was safe at home with Henry and they both didn't have anything to do with this.


Hearing Emma's voice caused something to erupt inside of me. I felt the magic in my veins before I saw a light flash shoot through the air, right at Zelena.

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