Chapter 7

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Emma and I were sitting in her yellow bug. We were focusing on the Town Hall, and my office in specific.

It was dark outside and Henry was already asleep. Emma had asked her parents to watch them and they were more than happy to do so.

It was for the first time today, apart from the morning, that it was just the two of us. We hadn't really had the chance to talk about our earlier conversation with Henry, even though we both had wanted to.

We'd been together in my office with Snow and Charming, trying to recreate the memory potion we'd gotten from Hook, but it was of no use. They still didn't have their memories.

But now that we were alone in the car, we both kept quiet. I was just enjoying her presence and concentrating on the building, but I didn't know what was going on in Emma's mind.

"I don't want Henry thinking something's wrong between the two of us," Emma said, breaking the silence and drawing my attention to her. "We have enough things to worry about, but I don't want him worrying about us."

I nodded in agreement. "I agree. However.." I kept quiet for a moment, "I don't know how we can convince him we're still together. We haven't really acted differently around him, that I know of."

"Less affectionate, I suppose," Emma mumbled and kept her eyes on the building.

I didn't know whether Emma was implying something, but I didn't want to take wild guesses, so I didn't say anything until I'd formed the perfect sentence in my head.

"We weren't that affectionate toward each other, though, were we?" I asked.

I knew we were.

Emma and I showed our love toward each other every second of the day and there was no way that went unnoticed by Henry.

Whether we kissed each other, held each other or just stared each other lovingly in the eyes, Emma and I had been madly in love when we thought we were married.

And I was still in love without being married to her.

"Regina, we had sex almost every day, my tongue was permanently battling yours and I never let go of you. Yes, we were that affectionate toward each other, we both know that."

I chuckled softly, amused by Emma's tone and nodded. "You're right. We were a good married couple," I said jokingly. "Maybe that was because we subconsciously knew it wasn't real."

Emma looked at me, I noticed that from the corner of my eye, and I tried to ignore her gaze.

"Maybe," she responded. "Though we still have to come up with something. The kid's already having a hard time adjusting to Storybrooke, imagine fearing your mothers are going to divorce on top of that."

I still didn't know whether Emma was hinting towards being more touching and close with each other when Henry was nearby, but I didn't want to make a fool of myself and suggest that, if that wasn't what she had in mind.

"We'll just reassure him everything is alright between us, if he asks again. I think that's the only thing we can do, at the moment."

Emma nodded slowly. "Yes. That's probably the best option."

Then, her eyes widened. "Movement inside your office," she muttered and got as quickly as humanly possible out of the car.


"What do you think of Hook?" The question had been in my mind ever since we left Mary Margaret's apartment. I knew I should be thinking about other things, like why the Wicked Witch would curse Storybrooke, yet I just couldn't let go of this thought.

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