Chapter 9

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I never went into the woods. I avoided the place as much as possible, especially with shoes like these.

Yet, right now, it seemed like the only place that was good enough for me to sit. I needed to be somewhere in the open to contemplate everything.

The letter was about Cora's firstborn. About how incredibly powerful that girl was - even more powerful than Cora herself.

I'd always thought it was about me. I'd always thought I was the girl that was so incredibly powerful.

"You ran off quickly."

I didn't want to talk to Emma, but I couldn't resist her. I couldn't tell her I needed to be alone, because some part of me liked her company. Well, every part of me liked her company, but I was in denial.

"Do you want to talk to me about it?" Emma asked and sat down beside me on the fallen tree.

"Nope," I replied and didn't bother looking at her. Instead, I focused on a big tree in the distance that was moving along with the wind.

Emma scooted closer to me and put her hand on my lap. I wanted to keep my walls up with Emma, but she could do easily crush them.

I fumbled with the letter in my hands and noticed Emma staring at it. I put the letter down beside me, between me and Emma and closed my eyes.

"Can I.. can I read what it says?" She inquired carefully and shrugged.

"Not stopping you," I responded and dropped my gaze. Emma grabbed the letter and closed it before she handed it to me.

I looked up in confusion. I'd really thought she'd read it once I'd given her the opportunity.

"You're not reading it?"

Frankly, I was glad Emma didn't read that letter. There wasn't anything necessary in there, except that Zelena was in fact my sister, but she knew that now.

"I know that tone, Regina. I know you rather don't have me read this and that's okay. I just.." I met her gaze and saw pure sincerity in her eyes, again. "I want you to be okay. I want you to know you can talk to me about anything. We used to talk about everything, but I feel like lately.. lately we've been more distant."

"That's because we're not married anymore, dear," I stated. It was the simple truth. People share more if they're married than when they're friends.

"That's no excuse. Nothing has changed between us. Well, nothing should have changed. I still trust you more than anyone."

I looked at her in disbelief and swallowed. This, I hadn't seen coming. Honestly, I'd had no clue as to what Emma thought of me, these past few days. But having her trust meant a lot to me, because I trusted her as well.

She was the only one I genuinely trusted with my life. We had been through a lot and she'd never let me down. I'd hated her when I first met her, but she had never actually let me down.

"Don't look so surprised, you knew I trusted you, right?" Emma asked and a cute giggle escaped her throat.

A quick glance at Emma's lips exposed all my desire to be with her. She smiled slightly and then swallowed.

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