Chapter 2

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Something still seemed off with Emma. We'd had an amazing dinner last night, but halfway through she seemed distant and confused again.

Emma hadn't answered me when I'd asked her what was wrong, but I felt like it still had something to do with the man that had assaulted her.

She'd asked me if I possibly could've known the man, but from the way she described him, I had no idea who it was.

And when she called me, five minutes ago, she'd told me she'd called the police for assault. The man was arrested for sexual harassment and Emma had asked me to come to the park.

Of course, I'd listened to her, so now I was on my way to Central Park. I recognized my wife from afar and hurried the last part towards her.

Emma looked utterly confused and grabbed my hands. "I'm going to the drugstore, can you come with me?" She asked and hugged me.

"What's going on? What have you been doing all day? You said to me you were going to work early," I whispered confused and Emma swallowed.

"I'll tell you on the way to the drugstore," she said and held my hand as we started walking.

Emma told me an entire story about the man that had assaulted her. Apparently, he'd been stalking her and when I'd gone to the bathroom, the previous night, the guy had snuck into the restaurant and given Emma an address.

Being the stubborn woman she is, Emma hadn't told me about it and she'd visited the address, that turned out to be her ex boyfriend's apartment and she found a camera with Henry's name on it.

"But.. you told me Neal didn't know about Henry," I said confused and Emma nodded.

"That's what makes it all so strange. Henry's never been there, I have never been there, so how is it possible that Henry's camera was there?"

"And now we're going to the drugstore to get the photos."

"Yes," Emma confirmed.

I nodded slowly, still a bit confused and as Emma saw my confusion, she continued talking. "I know it's crazy, but something feels off here. I need to know how this camera ended up there."

"I understand. I'd like to know as well."

After we got the pictures, we walked back, hand in hand. "Are you ready to look, yet?" I asked, noticing Emma's nerves and she nodded curtly.

We stopped walking and Emma got the pictures from the small, paper bag and stiffened. She tilted the picture for me to see and I looked confused.

It was a photo of me, Henry and Emma sitting at a table. Giant letters on a wall behind us said "Storybrooke".

"We've never been to Storybrooke," I muttered confused and averted my eyes to Emma, who still had her eyes fixated on the photo.

Suddenly, she started walking. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to bail that man out, so I can know the truth."

"Em, are you sure that's-"

"Yes, I'm sure, Regina. The camera of my son with strange pictures of us was found in the apartment of my ex. That's strange and I need to know the truth! It doesn't make any sense."

I followed her as she hurried to the police station and even though I wasn't sure this was such a good idea, I was kind of intrigued as well.

The whole situation was strange. It was weird how a camera of Henry had ended up in Neal's apartment. And I actually wanted to have an explanation for that, as well.

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