Chapter 8

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"Emma." I stood up as soon as I saw the woman entering the living room. She seemed crushed. Utterly broken.

Neal had passed away.

She seemed to look right through me and I quickly made my way over to her. I pushed all my feelings for the blonde aside. Right now, I had to be there for her. Comfort her.

Henry was already asleep upstairs and Emma had spent the evening at her parents' place, but right now she was here with me.

She and I rarely hugged - apart from the time we were married - but right now, I couldn't resist it. I wrapped my arms around the woman and she cried. She actually cried, letting all her emotions flow away.

"I'm sorry, Emma," I whispered and stroked her back. "I am so sorry and I'm here for you. If there's anything I can do, you can tell me, okay?"

Emma sniffled and pulled away from our embrace. She rested her forehead against mine and nodded.

"I can't believe it," she whispered as though she was out of breath.

Despite me not liking Neal a lot, he certainly didn't deserve to die. He had, however, helped the entire town by giving us the Wicked Witch's name, but he shouldn't have died.

"I want to sleep," Emma suddenly said and moved away. I watched her as she left the living room and sighed softly.

She'd put her walls up again.


Seeing that man standing so close to Emma made me sick to my stomach. She was mourning, yet he tried to subtly hit on her.

Emma was throwing darts and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She'd improved her skills a lot, in comparison with the first time I saw her throwing darts.

Hook was whispering something to Emma and I saw her smiling before she walked in Henry's direction. He was sitting in one of the booths at Granny's, with his grandparents, and seemed to be pleased by whatever it was Emma told him.

Then, I saw him leaving the diner with Captain Hook.

Had Emma really just given Hook permission to spend time with Henry? He didn't care about the boy, he only wanted to get in Emma's pants.

If one thing happened to Henry, I'd kill that man in the harshest way possible.

I wanted to go over to Emma, when I noticed Robin, who I'd met the day before. He smiled at me and waved as he brought drinks over.

Then, I saw it again. With his sleeve rolled up, it was rather obvious. The man had a lion tattooed on his wrist. I'd noticed it the previous day as well, when we were both in the farmhouse.

Tinkerbell had prophesized this was my soulmate.

But how was it possible that I felt more when I looked at Emma than when I was near him?

"How would you like a drink, Milady?" He asked and walked towards me. "I hope I didn't scare you off, yesterday."

I'd rather awkwardly run off after I'd noticed the tattoo. He had probably been confused, but I couldn't help it. Having you "soulmate" stand in front of you after God knew how many years, was quite confusing.

"You didn't.. scare me off," I said and met with the guy's eyes. They were pretty. Really pretty. But nothing compared to Emma's. "I just remembered a trail I had to follow," I lied. "And I don't daytime drink."

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