Chapter 4

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Getting Henry to go with us to Storybrooke was harder than expected, because he was rather unconvinced we'd all go to this town because of a case Emma had. It seemed like the best excuse, but maybe we had to think it through better.

Although, eventually he'd just gone along with it and we were now nearing the cursed town. It was dark outside and Emma and I were seated in the front, Hook sat next to a sleeping Henry behind me.

"So, Regina.. you manipulated the memories into making you two a married couple. Guess you went for the scenario that could never happen in real life."

I knew the man was just joking, but I wanted to rip his throat out and crush it into pieces, because he had no idea how hard this all was on me.

That man maybe thought I'd changed it this way, but what I told Emma was the truth. I hadn't decided this.

"Quiet, before I cut off your other hand and stick it down your thr-"

"Gina.." Emma put her hand on my lap to silence me and I rolled my eyes. "Both of you stop bickering. It's not worth it. We've got bigger problems."

"Yes, like how to cook a hand." I know it was a cheap comeback, but at the moment I couldn't think of anything better.

I had never liked Hook. I'd always detested his flirtatious ways of getting Emma to do things. I'd always hated the fact that he clung to Emma and did as though he was hers.

And the fact that he'd kissed her in New York, only made clear that he thought they were true love. They weren't. I could tell that from miles away, but I was quite sure he was going to try and prove Emma otherwise.

Honestly, if they were true love's the kiss would have worked. True love's kiss is stronger than anything and even in a place like New York, with no magic of its own, it should have worked. Hence, they weren't true loves.

No one replied to my comeback and it got quiet in the car, except for Henry's soft snoring. The Storybrooke sign appeared and I exhaled relieved, knowing that the burden of being in the same car as Hook was almost over.

We drove through quiet town. No one was up. Every house and shop was dark and closed and the street lanterns seemed to light the street for no reason.

"Home sweet home," Hook mumbled and Emma stopped the car. She didn't say a word as she unbuckled her belt and got out of the car.

Hook and I got out as well and Emma's eyes shifted between us. "I'm going to my parents. You two stay here and take Henry to your home." She looked at me. "Take my car keys and don't wake him up. If I hear he woke up because you two couldn't act normal for ten minutes, I'll get very angry and I think none of us want that."

Emma threw her car keys at me and I easily caught them. She strutted away and I looked at Hook before I rolled my eyes. "Get in. I'm going home," I commanded and got in the car.

"So, you're in love with Emma?" Hook asked and I huffed as I started the engine. "Sadly for you, I'm back in town."

"Yes, I know that's sad. You're the most annoying person I've ever met. However, if you are talking about your relationship with Emma.. well, I have no concerns whatsoever about that."

I looked aside to see Hook proudly smirking in his seat and felt myself rolling my eyes yet again.

"You know Emma and I kissed."

"I know you assaulted her."

"Hey! I apologized for that."

"Doesn't mean you didn't do it."

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