Chapter 5

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"Do you want a cup of tea? I just made myself one." Emma and I were walking toward the kitchen and she seemed rather uncomfortable. Much different from the Emma I just saw walking away from me and Hook, but much similar to the Emma I knew a year ago.

She barely visited my house. Honestly, I didn't think she'd ever been upstairs. I mostly came to Mary Margaret's apartment when there was another crisis and we never needed to come here.

"Tea? Since when are you into tea? I don't think I've ever seen you drink it," Emma said, her voice laced with confusion. "Don't you have that delicious apple cider that I love so much?"

I chuckled, getting flashbacks from the first night Emma came to town. Oh, how I hated her back then.

"I actually think I do have it somewhere. In the mood to run over a sign?"

Emma evidently rolled her eyes and I filled her a glass of apple cider. She sighed deeply and cleared her throat.

"Kinda, actually. Gina, this whole situation is so messed up."

"Yes, sorry I didn't ask. Did you go to your parents?"

Emma sat down on a chair at the dining table as I leaned with my back against the counter.

"Yes," Emma replied and sighed again. I wondered how they'd responded. Did they remember her? Or had they forgotten all about her? Who had cast this curse? Was there a curse at all, or had Hook been lying? There were so many questions to be answered and I hoped Emma had some of those answers.

We locked eyes and she sipped some of the cider. "They remember," Emma said. "They remember everything. Me, you, Pan's curse coming. But the only thing they don't remember is how they ended up here and they don't have any memories of the past year."

I didn't respond. I was so not in the mood for another curse, yet part of me badly wanted to figure everything out. To figure out who the villain was next time, to feel the thrill of working with Emma again.

The blonde woman groaned and slammed her entire drink back. She hissed and set her glass down on the table.

"I am so done with this. Do you have something stronger to drink?"

"You're done with what?" I asked carefully. I didn't want to pour Emma a lot of alcohol, as I knew she'd regret that the following morning.

"The curse, magic, everything. I swear, after this, I'm moving back to New York," she stated and shoved her chair back.

I didn't know what to respond to this. It seemed as though Emma actually meant it and I couldn't imagine Storybrooke without her.

"Here's an idea, we'll go to bed and we're starting to work on the curse tomorrow. We both need some rest," I said and  she handed me her empty glass which I put in the sink. "You can use the guest bedroom, if you'd like. I don't think the bed's made, so we'll have to do that first."

Emma waved dismissively with her hand. "That's so much trouble. Can't we just share your bed? We did for the past year."

I felt myself becoming warmer. I remembered the previous morning very well and I knew there was no way I could say no to Emma sleeping beside me.

"Of course. Let me just finish my cup of tea and I'll lead you to the bedroom," I said.

Emma looked exhausted. I felt as though she was keeping something from me about the entire situation, but she looked too tired to ask.

"My mother's pregnant," she suddenly said after a few moments of silence.

My eyes widened and I almost choked in my tea. "What?"

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