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"Why do you have to make things so complicated?"
Avril Lavigne, Complicated.

Spring 2017

Dear Diary, 

I must say after all this time enjoying singlehood solitude has made me oblivious and slightly forgetful how it's a jungle out there sometimes. At least this time, I luckily had the voice of reason from my apartment neighbour Ed. To make sense of the confusing world of 20something guys. Truth to be told though, I didn't really listen to him the first time round. Despite the fact that I had my heart under a lock and key for the past 3 years, I still give people the benefit of the doubt and a lot more chances than a normal person would. If only I listened to Ed, I would have saved so much wasted time with the Residential Advisor (RA) guy in our apartment building.

How did all begin? I should probably tell you about my neighbour Ed first and then vent about the RA guy.  Well as you know I moved out of home for the first time to be closer to work (more on that later). Naturally while I still worked on a uni student budget, I went for the Student UniLodge. Nestled in a foodie suburb with a rooftop cinema, brunch and desserts all round and access to public transport literally at my front door, it was perfect.

Meeting Ed:
To make things even better, my apartment neighbour Ed would always host the best get togethers.
Yet how he manages to fit so many people at his place in the 24 square metres is beyond me! It was always good music vibes whenever Ed and co were around. Always in a mood for a good laugh and joke.

Though I was a bit shy at first, Ed was always considerate when he had friends over. He would always invite me in advance to join them on the terrace. He even said to let him know whenever they were getting a tad bit too rowdy and they would go somewhere else. How nice of him. While I rarely joined, I appreciated being included and I didn't mind the noise. It was happy sounds of friends and music, which was a nice change of what I was accustomed to.

That and they were always up to funny shenanigans. Like the time he threw the key down 7 floors down the terrace for his friends to come up. Oh and the time he left his key in his room and came knocking at my door at 1:30am for me to help him with the lockout. Course I let him in, while holding my breathe watching him climb over our terraces. Sure there was barely any gap between the terraces but still, it was 7 floors up if he fell. Thank goodness he didn't. After that we became great friends and bonded over our fascination of Sherlock and late night terrace conversations with the stunning view. The rest is friendship history (and in case you're wondering, Ed was already taken with dating Nina, so don't get any ideas!).

Meeting the RA guy:

Few months later after I got settled into apartment lift, I met the RA guy. The first time we met was hilarious.  We stood as two strangers waiting for a lift as we just happened to live on the same floor. On the way in he almost dropped his key in the lift gap (whoops!). That's how we got talking with me saying, You don't want to lose the key!

After that, here and there we bumped into each other. We were bound to given the building wasn't that big. Whenever we saw each other, we always had good hallway conversations about we've been up to at uni, neighbourhood hot spots and me venting about work. I had recently moved to a temp job as a personal assistant and I was hating every minute of it.

To the RA guy's credit, he never once complained how much I vented about work (I couldn't help it, the moment someone asks me how I am, I vent!). He always seemed to be really attentive to what I was saying regardless. I mean it can't be that fascinating to listen to me rant about work excessively all the time.

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