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Contrary to popular belief, hopeless romantics don't fall for every single person they meet. They are simply more open to the idea to what ifs, possibilities, potentials and brand new beginnings. And wear their hearts on their sleeves even when they try to hide it to the best of their ability. 

Meet Hannah Simmons, she's the epitome of a hopeless romantic. She walks around the world never assuming people will ever hurt her. She trusts people easily and helps people cause that's just who she is. As life would have it, the guys she meets always miss the mark every single time. 

Written in the form of diary entries, delve into Hannah's world of hilarious, sometimes ridiculous to downright disappointing but not without a hint of sarcastic humour. A girl's got to have one after all she's been through. The story is set in NYC and starts when she's 17 onto her early 20's. Enjoy!

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