1. Her Eyes

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a trip down memory lane:

JJ stares at herself in the mirror in fear of what she had just happened. Locked in the dark with vicious dogs which would've killed her if she hadn't shot them. She was a liaison and everything made her flinch in the field and she brought that with her everywhere. As she stood there staring at herself, she heard what seemed to her like one of the dogs but it was Emily. So close to almost shooting Emily, she stopped. Right there. She stared into Emily's eyes because they were so comforting to look into. Her big forgiving dark brown eyes. Just in those few seconds of looking at her, she felt something making her heart beat time times faster.

Emily's POV
The first time she saw her, she just knew where her heart was going. Looking at her long blonde hair flow every time she moved, staring into her icy blue eyes every time she talked. She knew. Emily was falling for JJ. She would talk and all Emily could do, no matter what they were talking about, was stare into JJ eyes. They were so innocent but so hurt at the same time. All she wanted to do was be with her and comfort her, make her laugh, just anything with her as long as it was them together.

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