5. Stumbling Back in Again

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Emily's POV:
After a few months of being back here, I can't handle the stress anymore. JJ once asked me why I never flinched or batted an eyelash at all the things we see at the crime scenes and that was because I had nothing to be afraid of. I worked with Ian Doyle. But now, I can't bear to think about him and what he did to me. He tortured me, branded me, and he almost fucking killed me. I really thought that I was going to die with out telling JJ how I feel about her and I would never had forgiven Doyle if he did but now I'm im starting to regret ever waking up because I had to live with the fact that I'm alive without the love of my life. I hate to leave but JJ was already gone and there was no way I could be with her now. Unless maybe she ends it with Will but Henry would be crushed so I doubt she would. But I'm not mad at JJ for wanting to stay with Will only for Henry because that was one of the many things I loved about her. She loved Henry and would do anything for her kids and I totally understand and respect that. And it doesn't matter anyways because she doesn't even know how I feel about her and I thinks it's best to keep it that way.

~two years later~

Emily's POV
Before I left the BAU two years ago, I made a wish. I wished that if I were to ever come back to Quantico, it better not be for JJ. And I didn't mean it in a bad way. If she called me and asked me to come back for a girls trip or because she was feeling sad, angry, whatever, I would come, no questions asked. But getting a call from Hotch telling me that JJ was missing, it broke my heart even more than JJ getting married to Will. Because at least if she was married, I would know that she was safe and protected. But she's been taken to God know where and I just need to get back and help the team because I am not letting her leave me like that because it's not fair. To me and to her. If she were to die, I would blame myself. I took the job at Interpol and left her. I could've been there for her but now she needs me more than ever so I'm going back, for her.

"I need Emily," was the the first thing that's popping into my mind right now. I'm being hung from the ceiling by a chain and handcuffs. I'm in pain and I just need her here with me. I know she's coming. Hotch will call her right? Please, oh God please tell me that Hotch called Emily.
*JJ passes out*
Emily? I think I see her. Thank God she's here, I've been waiting for her to back and find me. Please I've missed her so much. Her hand feel so nice running through my hair. It's so warm and soft. If my hands weren't in these handcuffs I would grab her right now and kiss her.
"How did you find me?"
"It doesn't matter"
"I can't... I... I think I might break"
"You have to break"
Wait... why is she face disappearing. That's not her voice that said that. Cruz. Why is Cruz telling me to break. I thought he was dead.
*hours of torture later*
Tivon don't! I saw him grab a knife. He walked towards Cruz and all I could hear is Cruz screaming in pain as Tivon stabbed him. I start to panic as he walks over to me. Screaming "no" over and over trying to get away from the knife then BANG! I didn't get shot is what I realized when Tivon fell to the ground. I lift my head towards the door and I see Emily and Hotch. Finally. She found me.
"I knew they would call you," I said happily and exhausted.

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