People are crazy...

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As I entered the super market I just felt strange and uneasy, all I could think to myself was 'Don't get mugged' I grabbed a cart just as an older woman grabbed my arm "may god guide you in this unholy moment!" She said shaking and gripping my arm tight, fear welling in her eyes, "Excuse me? Ma'am are you alright?" I ask as she looks behind her frantically every few seconds "The dead has risen and is thirsty for blood, You mustn't stay here! you must leave!" She said this as sweat beaded her graying hair line "You must save yourself! May god have mercy on us!" she said before running away leaving red hand marks on my upper arm. How strange. She's just a crazy old bat who's lost her marbles, there is no such thing as zombies or the dead rising right?...No,..Of course not. She didn't know what she was talking about. I walk through the aisles like I would at any other groceries trip until I hear a scream and turn my head as my eyes follow a man running from something. He seemed to be middle aged with a well job seeing as he was wearing a pale grey suit. As I was watching other people around me I didn't notice I was still slowly walking until I ran into something. I looked over the end of my cart, or someone for that matter. "Do you know whats happening?" I ask the man that I previously hit with my cart and he turned toward me and I noticed small spits of blood on his sleeve "You need to come with me, it's dangerous here." as he walks towards me I see his hands are covered in blood as well "What?! No I am not going with you!" I yell at him as he draws closer "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You're lying! You obviously hurt someone else why would I be any different?!" As he got closer I saw his pure blue eyes and perfect skin indicating he was age maybe? "There are things here that want to hurt us." He says reaching for my arm "You're insane! Just like the other people here!" I say as he finally grabs my forearm. "i'm sorry but if you think this is a normal day you are insane, not me, not anyone else in here that has just a sliver of understanding, this is not just your normal shopping trip, me." And he starts pulling me with him as he walks to the parking lot and i start hitting his hand away trying to pull myself free and it isn't working at all. As we get out side i hear more screams and crashes of chaos erupt, "what the hell is wrong with everyone?!" As he opens a car door and puts me inside and closes the door behind me and he gets in the other side, the drivers side, "I'm Luke" he says smiling showing his perfect white teeth "You are mad, you are completely insane!" I say pulling at the door handle but its locked. I reach for the lock and before i can unlock it someone bangs them self against the window and claws at it furiously and I jump and let out a small scream.

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