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"But seriously you have an amazing voice. You're a singer right?" Troy compliments Y/N as the two teens wander outside.

"Just church choir is all." Y/N admits, "I tried a solo and nearly fainted."

"Really? Why's that?"

"Well, I took one look at all the people staring at me, and the next thing I knew I was staring at the ceiling. End of solo career." Y/N admits sheepishly, taking a sip of her drink.

"Well, with the way you sang tonight that's pretty hard to believe." Troy says, not believing she had stage fright.

"Well, that was the first time I've done something like that. I mean it was so cool." Y/N gushes, smiling widely.

"I know, completely." Troy agrees with her, smile huge.

"Well you sounded like you've done a lot of signing too." Y/N says, remembering how he sang, wondering how he didn't think he could sing.

"Yeah, sure. My shower head is very impressed with me." Troy says sarcastically, causing Y/N to laugh in response. He stares at her, transfixed at the sound of her laugh, wanting to hear it again.

They turn their heads when they hear the party goers inside start counting down.





"6." Troy glances at Y/N causing her to look at him.






"Happy New Year!" The crowd shouts causing Y/N and Troy to look away from each other. They look at the sky to see multiple fireworks of all different colors, lighting the sky up, welcoming the new year. Y/N glances at Troy, admiring him in the glow of the fireworks. She looks at his face, his baby blue eyes that grabbed her attention. She looks over his slightly long brunette colored hair. Troy turns in her direction, feeling her gaze on the side of his face. They stare at each other, admiring one another. Y/N glances towards his lips quickly before snapping out of her daze.

"I guess I better go find my mom." She says, gesturing behind her, causing Troy to snap back to reality. "Wish her a Happy New Year."

"Yeah, me too. I mean not your mom. My mom......and dad." Troy says slowly noticing she didn't mention anything about a dad. Y/N smiles sadly, remembering her dad, who sadly passed away when she was ten. "I'll call you. I'll call you tomorrow."

Y/N visibly brightens at this idea, nodding her head in agreement, "Yeah."

"Here put your number in." Troy says handing Y/N his phone, her handing her phone to him as well.

Y/N and Troy type their numbers into the other's phone. After receiving his phone back, Troy takes a picture of Y/N, her smiling with snowflakes stuck to her hair.

"You too." She says holding her phone up to take a picture of him. She gets a good one. Troy wore a crooked smile on his face, his hair covered in snowflakes too. She smiles at the picture before leaving Troy, him not noticing because he was staring at his phone, her picture on it.

"Well, just so you know singing with you was the most fun I've had on this entire vacation." Troy says, not noticing Y/N slipped away into the crowd. "So, um, where do you live?"

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