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Y/N was painting the moon structure while Troy and Chad were painting vines on the tree prop. Taylor runs over to Y/N excited holding her credentials of achievements in her hands.

"The answer is yes!"

"Huh?" Y/N asks confused of what she was talking about.

"Our scholastic decathlon team has its first competition next week, and there is certainly a spot for you."

"Where did those come from?" Y/N asks pointing to the list of her achievements in Taylor's hand.

"Didn't you put them in my locker?"

"Of course not."

"Oh." Taylor says stunned, "well we'd love to have you on the team. We meet almost everyday after school."

Y/N sighs.


"I need to catch up on the curriculum here before I think about joining any clubs." Y/N says with an apologetic tone.

"Well what a perfect way to get caught up, meeting with the smartest kids in school." Sharpay says, having been ease dropping on their conversation. It was her who put Y/N's academic achievements in Taylor's locker after all. "What a generous offer, Taylor."

"So many new faces in detention today." Ms. Darbus comments, seeing the three girls chatting and not working. "I hope you don't make a habit of it, but the drama club can always use an extra hand. And while we are working, let us probe the mounting evils of cell phones." Ms. Darbus drones on as Y/N sighs, looking over to see Tory staring at her. She smiles at him causing him to smile back.

The students continue to work on the sets, listening to Ms. Darbus go on a rant about cell phone policies and how cell phones are the new evil of the world. Troy and Chad have long ago gave up of on making the tree prop look like a tree. Instead Chad fell asleep while Troy sat above him in the tree, taking a fake leaf and putting it near Chad's nose, tickling him.

"Perhaps the most heinous of cell phone abuse is ringing in the theatre. What temerity!" Ms. Darbus exclaims. "The theatre is a temple of art, a precious cornucopia of creative energy."

"Where's my team, Darbus?" Coach exclaims stopping Ms. Darbus' rant about cell phones. He sees Chad and Troy sitting in the tree prop, exclaiming, "What the heck are those two doing in a tree?"

"It's called crime and punishment, Bolton." Ms. Darbus retorts, "Besides proximity to the arts is cleansing for the soul."

"Can we have a talk, please?" Coach gestures between him and Ms. Darbus, before looking at Troy and Chad. "And you two in the!"

Troy jumps off the tree prop, pulling Chad out of tree half asleep. Troy smiles at Y/N mouthing 'call you later' causing Y/N to nod and whisper 'bye' as they walk off stage, Coach and Ms. Darbus following. Y/N sighs and returns to painting the moon.


At basketball practice, Coach Bolton is giving the team an encouraging speech. "West High Knights have knocked us out of the playoffs three years running, and now we are one game away from taking that championship right back from them." Coach Bolton walks down the line of players, them all nodding in agreement. "It's time to make our stand. The team is you. You are the team and this team does not exist unless each and everyone of you is fully focused on our goal. Am I clear?"

High School Musical: Troy Bolton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now