Ghost Girl

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     thrid pov 

       The little girl looks up at the wall. She wonders what's on the other side. She hopes that she'll get to see over the wall. You see this little girl was different. She never talked to anyone because she didn't know if they'll respond back. She never dared to look at anyone because she thinks everyone will seeing her talk to nothing. This little girl can see ghosts.  It was passed down to her by her father. Her mother always told her that the ghost can't hurt her cuz they can't talk to her and she can't talk to them. They can give her signs, but that's all. Her older sisters say that she's the special one in the family along with her brother. She's told them that she doesn't like it, but they tell her other wise. 

      One day while taking a walk the girl runs into some boys. Let's just say these boys knew about what she could see. They start to push and shove her. Calling her names, making her cry. 

'What did I ever do to get this way.' She thinks

"HEY GET AWAY FROM HER!" another voice yelled. The boys run away from the owner of the voice. the girl looked up to see long blond hair. The blond girl look at the girl.

"You ok ghost girl?" she said, 'Ghost girl? Oh when those boys were beating me up.' she thinks 

"So you got a name or do I keep calling you ghost girl?" The girl was gutsy thats for sure. 

"Cass...." The ghost girl said 

"So you do talk. Great! My name is Kiah, nice to meet you ghost girl" Kiah giggled, so did cass. Finally she has a friend, one that she won't be afraid to talk to. 

   After that Cass and Kiah have always been together. Cass told Kiah why she's called ghost girl and she told her about how she always looks up to the walls. Kiah told Cass about her life as well and what she knew what was outside the walls

"Wait so your dad is part of what?" Cass asked Kiah 

"Are you listening? I said that my dad is part of the survey corps. He get's to go outside the walls. I told him I want to go with him, than he totally freaked out on me. Well now I know what I want to do when Im 10." Kiah explained 

"I want to join the Scouts when Im older." Kiah stands up with her arms in the air. Looking up at her Cass' eyes are big. There big because she knows that Kiah will make it to the scouts. Cass joins Kiah with her arms in the air too. 

"Then Im going to join you too. No one will see me as the same after what I tell them what I see." She saids looking at Kiah. They both smile, it was the biggest smile Cass has ever done. 

    As everything seams happy and good the ground shakes making both girl fall. Kiah grabs Cass' arm to run to see whats going on. While running Cass sees many ghost, they look at her and they shake their heads. 

'Are they telling me not to go over their?' As she finished that thought she saw what they didn't want her to see.  A titan. Taller than the wall. She was scared. Not just for her life, but for her family and Kiah. The Colossal Titan kicks a hole through the wall sending rocks flying everywhere. 

"Kiah go find your family im going to find mine." Cass yells while running kiah only nods. Only knowing her today she found out she's pretty stubborn. 

     Run. Run is the only thing she can do. The only thing she can do to find her family. She runs until she finds her house. Only the side was taken off from the house.

'They have to be ok? There ok I know it.' she thinks. She runs to the house more closer then stops. There she saw her brother and three of her sisters under the part of the house that was crushed. They were already dead. 

"CASS!" She heard her mother yell. She looked at her.

"LOOK OUT!!!" She yelled again. The girl looked up to see a titan above her ready to grab her, but it didn't. Her father pushed her out of the way so the titan grabbed him. Cass' sister the only one that's left gets her and starts to run with their mother.

"NO! We have to get dad! Please we have to!" Cass yelled

"As much as I want to we can't." Her sister tells her. Cass takes one last look at her dad. Then he was eaten. 


time skip 

     Cass woke to someone yelling. She looked around to if she could find her mom and sister. 

"If your looking for your mom and sister. Your mom isn't here she went with your dad. And your sister went with them." She saw kiah with a sad look. ' god no.' 

       Cass started to cry. She cried and cried with kiah holding her. Kiah doesn't have her family to. When they were trying to get away a titan grabbed her mom and sisters. While her brother told her to get on the boat. She didn't want to, not without him. So he threw her on Before Cass' mom told her to protect Cass. 

'Don't worry I'll make sure she doesn't die.......I promise.' Kiah thinks. 

Hi everyone Im new to this writing thing and I love aot so just love here not hate. I don't own aot I only own the story along with cass and kiah. See you the next chapter. Also slow updates sorry ;~;

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