Really again

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Thrid pov 

       Within wall Sina, Annie was just getting up. When she got ready she went to where the rest of the people in her squad were. 

"I would have woke you up Annie, but you look so scary when you sleep." Hitch told Annie as she walked down the stairs. Everything went normal as everyday goes. 

   Annie was patrolling the town as usual until someone had stopped her. Someone had grabbed her sleeve of her jacket. She looked to see who it was and it was Armin. 

"Annie can you help us?" He asked her as pulling her into the ally he was in. He told what was going and how they needed her help to get Eren out of the walls and into the underground. 

"Armin what makes you think I'll be good for this job. Would it make you see me as a nice person?" Annie tells him.  

"Well I don't think it'll make you a good person, but a good person in my eyes." He tells her. Annie sighed then agreed to help get Eren to the underground. 

   Annie guided the tiro to the where they could go, Armin told her to go with them to the underground. 

"Come on Annie your not scared of in close spaces are you?" Een asked her.

"Yes I am scared of that."

"Oh cut it out Annie just come down here will ya!" Eren yells at her. Misksa moved in front of Eren and Armin and took out her blade. 

"This is getting us no where and Im about done. So stop playing with us. Female titan." As Misksa finished her sentence Annie started to laugh. 

"Amrin thank you." She was about to bite her hand, but Eren had fired a shot in the sky for people to attack her and hold her down. But Annie is smart. She had a ring on with an poker on it to cut her thumb with. Misksa grabbed Eren and Amrin to go down more the tunnel. 

     Annie was transformed into the female titan. On the other side of where the trio was a bunch of other scouts waiting for her. Some went to go attack her already. 

"Huh so Armin was right." Kiah tells Cass as she gets into where Annie would go. 

"I'll get her this time and I won't lose myself this time." Cass saids as she sees Annie run over. Cass hooked her wire to Annie. She tried to get Cass away, but she only needed to grab her which was difficult thanks to Misksa. 

"On your left." Cass said to Annie has she cut her eye. 

     Annie was mad, this time she had good timing when she caught Cass' wire. 

"Ugh can we talk about this?" Cass said as Annie rise her to her face then threw her. 

"CASS" both Misksa and Kiah yelled. 

"REALLY AGAIN!!!" Cass yells as she waits for death, but it never came. This time Cass opened her eyes. It was dark until there was light. She was in Eren's hands well titan hand. 

"Now you deside to transform!" She yells at him. He put her down on a building then used his thumb to pat her head. 

"I think this makes you guys even huh?" Jean saids when he got next to Cass. 

"I guess. Whatever let's go." 

     The battle was long and hard. Many have lossed their lives for this. it wasn't any better for Eren. He was going all out. Some might have thought he was going to kill her if it wasn't for his hesitation, but that only lead to Annie in casing herself. Jean was trying to break the crystal until Levi told him to stop. Eren was in Cass' lap at that time and he was just waking up.

"Did we get her?" He asked

"Well we got her just not in the way we thought." Cass saids as she looks at Hange sending Annie off to the underground. 

"You owe me." Eren tells her which make her look down at him.

"What do you mean by that?" Cass asked him. 

"Well you saved my life and which ended with me do some of your chorus. I think I should get something too." He saids with a smirk. 

"And whats that titan boy?" 

"This." He grabbed her face close to hers to meet their lips. Cass' face was beat red when Eren ended the kiss. She was so red steam could have came out of her head at any moment. Kiah was laughing at how her best friend looked. The others were laughing too. Levi was Levi, Hange was saying how cute they were. 

"Have fun tonight Cass." Kiah tells her wrapping her arms around her. 

"Damnit titan boy." 

Yay somewhat happy endding. Anyway I got no tea for ya unless yall want to talk about taetae being cute cuz he is. Lol Anyway if you haven't already go check out my new book. Also did anyone get the capitain america refrance I put in there lol well any way see y'all in next chapter. BYEEEEEE.

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