Why me

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thrid pov 

    It was the day of the 57th expedition everyone was ready. To the side there we're too little kids and they were saying how cool the scouts were. This brought a smile to Eren's face. He was ready, ready to see what was outside the walls. This is Cass' second time out of the walls she knew what was out there, but this time Kiah will be right behind her literally. Kiah plans to keep Cass safe, she figured if that's keeping her here then so be it. 

"FORWARD!" Erwin yelled for the scouts to ride out of the walls. Erwin ordered everyone to go into their groups and kill any abnormal titans on the way.

      Everyone went there own ways. Armin happen to be in the back when it happened. When he saw two of the people he was with get killed when fighting what seemed to be like a female titan. As her foot was near Armin horse it knocked him off the poor horse. His hood happen to lad on his head. He was sure that he was going to die right there. As he looked up he felt his hood being lifted, he saw the female titan looking at him with a smile. She dropped the hood and ran forward. Armin had no idea of what just happen, but good thing Reiner came with Jean to bring back Armin's horse. 

"Armin what are you doing off your horse you could get killed." Reiner told Armin as he got back onto his horse. Armin knew what that titan was. It was a titan with a person controlling it like how Eren is. 

"that titan has a person inside it." Armin tells Jean and Reiner. They look to him thinking how cn he say that.

"Are you sure about that Armin?" Jean asked

"Yes she checked under my hood, like she was looking for someone." Armin tells the two guys. Armin told them to just follow her. They followed her until she attacked them she got ahold of Renier. He was able to get out of her hold before she squished him. 


"Cass I don't trust this." Kiah tells her as she hangs on to her. 

"Kiah as much as I want to talk to you I can't." Cass said as low as possible she didn't want Eren to hear her cause he was right by her. She kept looking at him cause she knew he'll be doing something dumb or reckless. 

The female titan was already in the forest and was killing everyone that was trying to stall her from getting to Levi's squad. Eren had his hand ready to bite until another hand stopped him. It was Cass. 

"Eren if you want to do it then go ahead." Levi tells him. 

"Eren please trust us." Petra tells him with a pleading look. He still wanted to bite his hand, but the grip Cass hand on his hand was strong. He looked at the girl the look in her eyes it begged him not to do it.

"Eren I don't blame you for wanting to revenge those people, do you know how much I want to revenge my family and Kiah. More than you think, but I moved passed it because Im more then that, and so are you. So please Eren trust us, trust the Captain, trust the Commander. trust me." Cass let go of his hand to see what he'll do. Eren looked down thinking of what he'll do. His head shot up.

"IM WITH YOU." He yelled, everyone sighed in relief of that he listened to them. 

"So did you plan to hold his hand or did you do that so he'll listen." Kiah saids smirking. Oh how much Cass wanted to throw her off her horse right there. 

"Hey Cass I know you like him, buy were on an expedition right now leave the lovey dovey stuff for later ok?" Petra joked with her leaving the poor girl red.

"Hey Cass did you know that people get pregnant by holding hands!? It's been proven in wall rose." Kiah starts to laugh

'Why me....' 

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