Goddess and Scouts

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Third pov

Everyone was shocked while some were not surprised. Cass and Kiah were the only ones who could take down Annie and Mikasa, how could it not be them? Kiah was shocked, most of the time she blows things off and just does them. She didn't think she would get into the goddess program. Cass, well she was happy.

'This is even better, even after some training there I can go to the scouts!' Cass stood up and gave a salute.

"Thank you sir! I promise not to let you down sir!" She said with a big smile on her face. Kiah stood up and gave her salute too, but only nodded.

After eating everyone came to congratulate Cass and Kiah. Everyone was happy for them, but Cass didn't pay attention to them. She was only thinking of what she was going to do at the goddess program.

'I need to prepare, we're leaving tomorrow so we have to get everything ready for the morning.' She thinks. She excused herself saying she and Kiah had to pack for tomorrow. When they were walking outside someone stopped them.

"Hey you two!" They looked back to see it was Eren.

"Don't die out there! Promise that you both will join the scouts after." He yelled, both Armin and Misksa were beside him.

'That tiro are going to be going places.' Kiah thought to herself.

"That goes for you too! Don't quit until you get to the scouts!" Cass yelled back and smiled at Eren. He smiled back at her making Kiah drag Cass to the cabin to get their stuff ready.

Cass could barely sleep that night. Knowing that her life was going to change. She knew that in the goddess program she can get more training and get to fight actual titans. It also gives her chances to see what every rearrangement would be like. She can see what it'll be like to be a scout.

Time skip

It was morning now. Cass and Kiah got ready to go to the goddess program.

"Cass remember to stay close to me. Got it." Kiah tells her putting her hair in a braid.

"Ki I think I'll be fine, besides we can't be everywhere together. What if we get put in separate squads? Than what?" Cass saids making a point.

"You know what Kiah you kinda act like Mikasa sometimes."

"Don't compare me to her! I'm just saying, I'm not with a stone cold face like her."

"But she's really, strong, she inspired me to do my best here and thanks to that I'm going to the goddess program! With you Kiah!" Cass smiles at Kiah while Kiah looks the other way.

"Like Eren said, don't die." Kiah walks out the door with her stuff and Cass follows right after her. There was a cart waiting for them. Two women were waiting for them. When the two girls stepped in front of them they gave their salute.

The two women grabbed their stuff and put it into the cart. Kiah was already in the cart, but before Cass could get on the cart someone yelled out to her. She looked to see who it was and to her surprise it was Eren holding something in his hand.

"Oh hey Eren you need something?" Cass asked

"Yeah well I see you never put your hair up and I'll sometimes see it get in your way, but you won't cut for SOME reason. So I got this for you." He gave her a purple hair tie.

"Wow thanks Eren! Now my hair won't fly in my hair no more!" She gave him a hug. This made the brown hair boy blush. She had a small blush when she realized what she did.

"Hey Cass, come on we have to go you can flirt when we all get to the scouts." Kiah saids to hurry it and to mess with the both of them.

"Ah sorry! I'll see you soon Eren, and thank you." She saids tying her hair in a ponytail while getting on the cart.

The ride to the headquarters for the goddess' was long, but peaceful. It has been a long time since Cass had her hair back.

"When we get there you two will be getting your new jackets then it'll be training. After we eat, does it sound like a plan?" One of the women said to the girls. They nod.

'This is it.' Both girls think.

"I wonder when we get to go on an expedition?" Cass saids to Kiah.

"Most likely soon, I hear that there's one coming up for the scouts. They asked the goddess if they could come. I don't know if they said yes or not." Kiah answers

"We did say yes. That's why we're getting straight into training you two." The other woman said.

"The expedition will be happening in two weeks, you two will have a lot of training until then. So be prepared." Cass and Kiah nod in agreement. Knowing this is what they'll be doing. They have to prepare for the hell they'll be seeing.

So what do you guys think of this chapter? Lol i was listening to Blackpink while writing this. Welp till next chapter! And don't forget to comment and vote! 🥳 also have some Levi moments too 😁 he's coming soon! 


Ok. Now bye

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