He's scary

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thrid pov 

       After Eren's trial he was put in Levi's squad. When Eren was going to the castle that Levi's squad was going be staying at he finally got to talk to Cass.

"I keep telling you it's fine I just want to know how you got that strong!" Eren tells Cass she hasn't stopped saying sorry for the kick she gave him.

"Your too soft on him Cass show him your dominate later." Kiah saids wiggling her eyebrows 

"Hey Cass you ok? Your is kinda red." Eren checks Cass forehead for a fever. She's fine, but he wonders what got her like that. Cass looks to the side with a mad look then looks back at Eren. 

"I just didn't much sleep last night, I mean this is your first day as a scout." She saids with a smile. 

"You always think of others make sure to think of yourself sometimes." Eren pats her shoulder and walks too Levi to talk about what they were going to do for the rest of the day. Cass looks to the ghost next to her and glares at her.

"What?" Kiah asked Cass just shakes her head as she hears Petra call for her. 

     For the rest of the day squad Levi was cleaning the castle. It was a pain for Cass cause Kiah wouldn't stop making a mess. Which got Levi mad at Cass. 

'So she's a funny kinda of ghost huh.' Cass thinks, another thing some people have caught her talking to Kiah or more like talking to air. Cass sighed as she cleaned the last mess that Kiah made.

"There now Levi can't get mad at me." She saids to herself. She put away her cleaning supplies only to find Kiah messing with a certain thing for men. 

"Hey Cass should I leave this in Eren's room for the both of you." Kiah starts to laugh like crazy as she see's how red Cass's face got. Cass takes the item from Kiah's hand and puts it back where she found it. 

   Cass joins the rest of the squad at the mess hall. 

"Im so tired." Cass saids as she puts her head down on the table. Petra pats her back in comfort. She saw how hard Levi was being on her. Cass was almost asleep until Hange walked in. She looked close to tears. What made her shoot up was Kiah trying to talk to Hange. 

'Well she was going to find out sooner or later.' She thinks. 

"Hey Hange why did you leave me outside the walls! I could have died you know. That was messed up-." As Kiah spoke Hange walked through her. 

"Oooo a chill just up my spine." Hange said before she sat down with the rest of the squad. Kiah looked to Cass. Good thing Eren asked about the titans Hange got. That gave her the chance to go to her room and talk to Kiah. When they got to the room Kiah started asking questions.

"How long have you known?"

"When you were in my bed when I woke up." 

"When were you going to tell me?"

"I didn't know how to." 

"How can you talk to me?" 

"I don't know."

"Is there a way to find out how I can talk to you?"

"If I did I would have told you before."

"Is Levi still single?"

"Most likely."

"Can I take over your body so I can talk to him?"


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