Titan boy

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third pov 

     Misksa, Armin, and Cass have been surrounded by the Garrsion. Misksa had Eren in her arms carrying him the whole way there. Everyone was scared knowing that Eren had this power, but the thing was how did he get this power. 

"I'll kill you all......"Everyone heard the low voice. Eren was just remembering of the events. He looked up to see everyone with shocked faces of what he just said. Cass and Misksa had their blades ready. Cass knew she'll get in trouble with Lisa for this but she'll worry about that later. All she wanted right now is Eren not to get killed. The Captain for the Garrison he was going to kill Eren and the others anyway. Cass could see it in his eyes. 

     The Captain order an candon fire. Misksa was going to get Eren away, but he pulled her Armin and Cass to him and bite his hand. A yellow lighting came out and went to Eren. There was smoke and a titan's skeleton. Thankfully it stopped the canon from the four of them. Eren got out from the nape talked about a plan for him to run or to use his power to help plug up the wall. Eren thought of running and Misksa wanted to go with him, but he said no. 

"Cass what do you think Eren should do?" Misksa asked her. Cass had to put a lot of thought into it. Than she got it. Armin and her can go convince the Garrison  to let Eren fight with them. Armin is very smart and she's in the goddess. This has to work

"Armin it has to be me and you." Cass looks to the scared boy. She explained what she meant by it had to her and him. Eren liked the plan and so did Misksa. Cass was ready so was Armin. They ran out of the smoke taking off their ODM gear and performing a salute. Armin went off on the Captain telling why Eren was on their side and that he didn't know he had these powers. The Captain was about to tell everyone to fire their guns at the four of them. That was until the Commander had stopped it all. He knew that Armin was telling the truth. 

"Can't you see that their giving their lives for this. Plus The two in front of us happening to be very brave to do this." After hearing this Armin fell to his keens Cass went down to help up. 

     After all that the Commander made up a plan to use Eren's titan to plug up the hole in the wall. Armin was to stay with the Commander. Misksa and Cass were to go with the people who were going with Eren. At this moment the plan was a go. 

"So where's Kiah?" Eren asked Cass. Misksa facepalmed knowing the girl wound't want to talk about. Heck she didn't even get to say goodbye to her. That had to hurt her really bad.  

"She's dead Eren. I don't know how she did, but she is." Cass responded to him. She had no emotions on her face. One things for sure, Cass hasn't seen her ghost so to her Kiah was at peace. Which makes her feel good, but still hurts. 

"Hey she might be gone, but you still got the rest of us and we made a promise not to die on each other. Eren doesn't count now cause he's a titan." Misksa tells Cass which makes her smile. 

"Yeah I still have you guys. Now let's go plug up that wall titan boy." Cass smirks at Eren 

"Oh yeah make sure not to get hurt so I won't have to save you princess." Eren pats Cass' head. She was about to call him out about something until Misksa put her hand on her shoulder. 

"Just let him flirt with you." After saying that Cass is a blushing mess. 

'Just how many people ship me with him. It's annoying he's annoying and kinda cute....AH!' Cass thinks to herself. She shouldn't let this get to her. She's a badass who can take down as many titans as she wants. She's not going to make goo goo eyes at some titan boy. At least that's what she tells herself. 

"Stupid titan boy." She saids to herself.

       Let's just say when Eren turned into a titan things didn't go according to plan. He had to get a stab from Armin in order to snap out of it. After that he went to plug the people who were with Cass, Armin, and Misksa they went on the ground to get the titans that were coming in to distract them while the other three went with Eren. There was a titan that was coming through, but Rico and Misksa took it out. 

"GO EREN!" Arimn yelled to him. Eren's titan yelled as he plugged up the wall. Eren had no more strength. Armin and Cass tried to get him out of the titan's nape. Rico had to cut the flesh that was part of the titan. Armin fell with Eren to the ground and some of the remaining titans were about to grab them until someone cut their napes off. 

 "Misksa or Cass...." Armin question. 

"Who is that?" Misksa question too, Cass knew who it was. Eren was just opening his eyes and he saw it. The wings on the man's back. 

"The wing of freedom." Eren said

"Oi brats, mind telling me whats going on."  Levi said as Cass gave her salute to him.

"Nice to see you again Capitan Levi." 

Yay another chapter!!! Also to the BLINKS here....Blackpink is getting a documentry about them on netflix!!! YES! But it be in October like there first full album. So I have to wait...sad, but anyway see yall in the next chapter. 

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