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Third pov 

    It was night, Historia was just waking up to an unfamiliar place. She look around to see she was on the floor while Eren was on the bed. He was tied up and still asleep. 

"What's going on?" The girl said out loud. 

""Im sorry we had to meet like this, but I had no choice." Said a voice, it sounded like an older man. He came out from the shadows. 

"Histoira I don't know if you remember me, but Im your father. Im sorry I never came to get you, when you were taken away." He hugged the girl, he was crying. Historia hugged him back, happy that she had one part of her famliy. Eren saw what had happen he couldn't do anything, but watch. That was all he could do. 

'Guys please...find us.' He thought before he fell back asleep. 

     On the other side of town Kiah was sent to find someway to find Eren and Historia. She did find something, but not the thing she wanted. It was a gem a blue one. 

'Cass would like this.' She thinks as she puts is away. Kiah looked all over until she found Hange getting the answer for her. 

'Makes my after life easier.' She thinks headed back to where the rest of the scouts were. Cass saw her as Kiah came back. So is Hange she told everyone where Eren and Historia was. Levi talked about a plan on how they could get them back, but also to be careful of Kenny and his squad. After the plan was said everyone went to get ready. 

"Hey Cass look at what I found, I thought of giving it to you. You know before Eren gives you a ring." This made the girl stop what she was doing. 

"Opps I think I broke you, anyway Ima just put this in your pocket." Kiah saids putting the gem in Cass' pocket. Cass was blushing more than she thought. 

'Why does she have say things like that.' She thinks as she gets ready. 

'Don't worry Eren were coming for you.' Cass thinks as she meets up with the rest of the Levi squad. 

   As everyone was getting ready to go. Eren was just waking up in another strange place. It was all crystals. Everything was made from the crystals. He notice he was chained up. He also notice he had a gag and his shirt was gone. He saw Historia come out with a man. Her father. 

"Histroia this is what you need to do. You see this boy's father took something from us. He took one of the titan's powers from us." Eren had no idea what he was talking about. He knew that his father gave him these powers, but he didn't know he had stole something. 

"His father killed your brothers and sisters. He killed the whole family. I was the only one to get away. He ate your sister who had the titan at that time. That's how he took her power. So all you need to do is eat him and you'll have our families power again." He saids grabbing his daughter's hands. Eren started to freak out. 

"This isn't the only thing I need to do right?" Said a voice, it was Kenny. 

"Remember my plan, you brought him here so she's most likely to come. People do thing for people because there in love." Histroia's father said to Kenny. 

'She's most likely? Who is he talking about?' He wonders, that's when it hit him. They were talking about Cass. He wanted to yell out to them saying 'don't touch her.' or 'I'll kill you if you hurt her.' But could he do something to protect her, yes he thought of something. Kenny notice he wanted to say something so he went up to see what Eren wanted to say. He took off the gag to let Eren speak. 

"Let Historia eat me, let her eat me just don't touch Cass. Leave her out of this, this has nothing to do with her. She doesn't have titan powers!" He saids panting due to the lack of air at the end of that sentence. 

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