Just talk

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Thrid pov 


      The same day that the scouts had gotten to Annie they had discovered that there were titans in the walls. Hange was shocked to see the titans, but her attention had to be put somewhere else. 

"NO don't let the sun hit it!" It was one of the priest from the church.  Hange knew that he knew something about them being in the walls. So she did things her way. she had him go up the wall with the rest of the scouts to see how they work.  The priest knew Hange wanted to get info out of them so he made it clear.

"Im not going to tell you anything. I don't know why you even brought me up here." The priest tells Hange. 

"Well we're going to have to do this the hard way then." Hange grabs the priest and puts him at the egae of the wall. 

"What are you doing? Put me down!" He yells 

"Really it's a long way down are you sure?" Hange saids as her grip loosens on his shirt. 

"Squad leader!!!" 

time skip 

         Cass still hasn't gotten the kiss out of her head, she's surprised that Misksa hasn't came to kill her yet. Kiah hasn't stop making fun of her which caused her to avoid Eren all together because she doesn't want to hear it from her. 

"Come on Im not that bad. Just talk to him" Kiah tells her as Cass puts some stuff away. 

"Kiah that's different, we both have a lot to deal with. I have to find a way why I can talk to you and he has to deal with being a titan. There still much we don't know." Cass said to the unknown entity. That's what she needs to do find out what Kiah is. 

"So you won't care if I do this." Kiah saids.

"Do what-" Cass didn't get to finish due too Kiah taking over her body. 

"Sorry, but it's for your known good." Kiah/ Cass say.  Kiah went out to find Eren, but needed to talk to Misksa so she don't kill her. She found her by the horses so she went over there. 

"Hey Misksa can I ask you something?" Kiah saids to her. Misksa nods for the question. 

"If I were to be with Eren how would you feel? And be honest, I need to know how you'll feel." She tells her. Misksa gives it a thought.

"Eren is really important to me and I know he is to you to. He made it clear earlier today when he kissed you. I know the way he's looked at you. Back in the training corps he wanted to talk to you, but Kiah was like me."

'What does she mean by that?' Kiah thinks. 

"I know your a really good person Cass, I saw how much you care for him when he got eaten by Annie. You went to get him back I saw a part of you no one sees. Which is why Im not worried about Eren as much when he's with you. I trust you with him and I trust you can make him happy." Misksa sends a small smile. Which makes Kiah calm down so Cass won't be dying at the hands of Misksa. 

"Thank you, I know Eren is very important to you Misksa and I'll make sure he is happy. Count on it." Kiah gives Misksa a hug then ran off to find Eren. Which took awhile. 

'God she better be grateful for this.' Kiah thinks as she approaches Eren who was with Armin. 

"Eren I need to ask you something." Kiah saids to him. Of course everyone sees Cass, but Kiah is makes the decisions for her today. 

"Yeah sure if this is about the kiss Im sorry it was really unexpected.-" 

"No no I actually liked it, your lips are soft." Kiah saids as cute as she can. which caused Eren to blush. 

"So um- what did you want to talk about." Eren saids. Kiah makes Cass hand take his leaning up to him. 

"EVERYONE! Get a move on!" Kiah had to help Eren out of bed since she was in his room. 

'Sorry Cass' Kiah thinks as she pulls herself out of Cass' body they met up with Levi. Cass looked like she had just woken up. She looked to Kiah knowing what she did. She want to pounds on her, but something had her hand. It was Eren's Hand. She knew not to think about and knowing what Levi had to say was more important so she just stuck with that.  

"This girl." 

This one is kinda short sorry guys but I want to thank you all for reading this the book. Im really proud of this. I want to keep going for yall of you!!! Writing is one of the things that make me happy. This book has like 40 something reads i don't remember. but anyway as always see you in the next chapter!!!! also go give my other book a read.  

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