look at the trees part 2

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third pov 

     It's been a couple of days since the battle for Trost. Eren has been in a jail cell for these past few days. Levi and Erwin ask him some questions about his powers, but of course Eren didn't know anything about it. On a good note he was in the scouts now. So was Cass, after the battle Lisa named her part of the scouts and part of Levi's squad. 

    It was the morning of Eren's trial, Cass just wanted to sleep in. Until Levi came into her room to tell her that she had to go with Hange to get Eren. Cass groaned at the news. She just wanted sleep. This must how Kiah felt sometimes. Cass was about to get up until she felt an arm on her. 

'I swear if it's Jean he's dead.' She turned around only to be met with a transparent person. Her hair was shorter, but she looked the same. 

"Kiah....." Cass whispered. The girl opened her eyes to be met with teary eyes. 

"Just cause you have to get up doesn't mean I have to." She saids, theres many questions going on in Cass' head. 

How is she here?

How did she get back?

I thought she passed on?

How can I hear her?

I can't hear other ghosts so why can I hear her? 

   Cass looked like she was about to lose her mind. Levi came in again which woke Kiah up.

"Yo just because she has to get up doesn't mean I have to." She saids. 

"Cass get up now. Im not an alarm clock." He saids

"Got it Levi and sorry." Cass laughed nervelessly.  Kiah looked at Cass then back at Levi. 

"Eren or Levi which is it?" Kiah asked Cass when Levi left the room. 

"What are you talking about?" Cass asked to her dead friend. 

"Im saying which one because I thought you liked Eren." Kiah saids with a smirk. This made Cass blush like crazy. 

"So it's Eren huh, Cass I've known you our whole lives, you think Im not going to know when you like someone." Kiah told her as Cass was putting on her scouts uniform. Kiah saw the wings on her back she was proud of course, but thinking where were hers. 

'I don't think she knows she's dead.' Cass thinks, but mostly how is she able to talk to her. Was there something keeping her here. She didn't have time to think about so she went out of her room to meet up with Hange to get Eren. Kiah followed her asking her questions about her and Eren. 

"So have you kissed?" 


"Have you went on a date?"


"Have you guys done the no no?" Kiah starts to laugh like crazy after that. Cass just gave her a glare knowing she would have yelled out. At the end of the hallway was Hange. 

"Morning Cass frist day as a scout, you ready?" Hange asked the girl as they walked to Eren's cell. 

"So why we here?" Kiah asked putting her head on Cass' shoulder. Cass couldn't answer, but thought of the next best thing. 

"So Hange can you believe that Eren has these powers?  He's going to be a great help for us, don't you think." She tells Hange knowing that Kiah will get. One way or another. 

     Hange was going off on how she'll do lots of things to understand, then started talking on stop about the two titan she caught. Cass just tuned her knowing that she unleashed this and now she has to deal with it. 

'This is what I get for talking about titans....' Cass thinks until Hange put her face to Eren's cell. 

"Ha did he and Jean into another fight? Is that why he's in a cell." Kiah starts to laugh

'Ok she didn't get it.' Cass thinks she'll just have to say it to her when there outside. 

    When they got outside Cass was behind everyone. Eren kept looking back to her wondering why she was back there. She looked like she was talking to someone, but no one was there. 

"Kiah Eren is a titan." Cass saids as low as she can, but that Kiah can still hear her. Kiah looked at her then looked at Eren who was talking to Hange. 

"He's going to be put on trial if he was stay alive or not. I hope he does cause he'll be a great help to us." Cass explained. Kiah only nodded before smiling. 

"So have been doing naughty things together." Kiah saids looking at the girl who is now red as rose. 

"I haven't even seen him this whole time Kiah so how can I do that stuff." Cass said looking away. 

   Hange was about done talking to Eren then Eren asked if he could talk to Cass. Hange would have said yes, but they didn't have time. She had pushed Eren through the door then Hange told Cass to go and stand by Levi. She did as she was told with Kiah right by her. 

     Kiah was looking outside and shook Cass. 

"You know I was hurt that you all left me. I had to leave the tree I was under and walk all the way back here." As Kiah was talking Eren was yelling that he wasn't the bad guy. 

"Cass look at the trees, that's what I wanted to tell you. When we were outside. Just remember Im always going to protect you. Your not getting rid of me even if I was dead I'll still be with you." That's what was keeping her here. Cass was keeping Kiah here. 

  Levi walked to Eren as he yelled to put everyone's trust in him and with that Levi kicked him. Than started to beat him. Misksa wanted to stop him, but Armin stopped her. Cass wanted him to stop she didn't know why he just wanted Levi to stop hurting him, but she didn't move. 

"Yeah kick him in the face next!" Cass heard Kiah cheer for Levi. 

'Oh yeah didn't Kiah fall for Levi or something?' Cass thinks. Levi states that Eren would be on his squad and how he'll be watching him and how he'll have help. Levi looked over to Cass pretty much much telling her to get over here. 

    Cass went over to levi he took his foot off of Eren's face as well. 

"Well go on." Levi said to her. She looked at wondering what he meant. 

"I think he wants you to kick him." Kiah said 

"I have no problem with doing it if you don't want to." As Kiah goes in for a kick Cass looks to Misksa mouthing a sorry. Cass kicks Eren's chest knocking the air out of him. 

"Did you get stonger or something?" Eren saids looking up to the girl. 

"Who said that you can talk." Cass tells him. 

'This is not how I thought this day would go.....I just wanted to sleep in a little.' 

So Kiah's back yall!!! But how can Cass see her lol so many plot twist. Lol also I've been reading the aot manga and the latest chapter it hurt me ;~;....I know for a fact that two main parts are going to make me cry the same thing with the bnha manga hjahfjhf but low key tomra looks hot 0////0 anyway see yall in the next chapter!!

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