Im here

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Third pov

    Everyone was badly hurt Misaka fell asleep and was healing up. Armin looked over her to make sure she's still ok. Half of the scouts there were hurt and resting thanks to Bertholdt's titan fall over the wall. Historia wanted to get Ymir back at that moment. Cass felt the same way, she knew Misaka felt that way too. Cass was by where Eren and Renier had there fight. She was sitting with her knees close to her chest with Kiah's back to hers. 

"We'll get him back we did it once we'll do it again, him and Ymir." Kiah tells Cass as she still looks down. Cass buries her head into her arms. 

"This is different Kiah, We have to deal with the amor and colossal titan. We now know who they are, the people who were like big brothers to everyone." Cass saids. 

"Cass." She hears a voice, she looks up to see Levi ready to go. She gets the idea and gets up going over to Armin and Misaka who had just woken up. 

"Come on were going." Cass tells them. 

"Where are we going?" Armin asked as he helped Misaka up.

"We're going to get Eren and Ymir." That was she said before she walked away. With the two following close behind her. They were ready to get them back with a fight. 

    Now at this moment Eren was just walking up to find himself without one half of his arms. 

"Take a nice nap?" He hear a voice by him, it was Ymir with out the other half of her arms as well. 

"Where are we?" He asked hoping she knew. 

"No idea kept asking them but they won't say anything." She used her arm to point at Renier and Bertholdt. Eren was ready to attack he just needed to transform. Eren bit his hand, but wouldn't transform into a titan. 

"There's no point. Your body is too busy healing to transform." Renier tells him. Eren had a lot of blood on his face thanks to biting himself. Renier and Bertholdt told them what they're purpose was. Well not all of it. Ymir looked like she didn't care when really she did. Eren was mad, he was mad to know that two people he knew betrayed him and the others. Eren knew he couldn't get too mad, he had to make a plan to get out of there. He just thought it'll be best to stay calm. 

"If you look down we have some friends waiting for us." Renier said and when he meant friends he ment the titans at the bottom of the tall trees the the four were in. They looked hungry too. 

"When the sun goes down we'll leave." Bertholdt said looking at Renier. He nods then looked to the Ymir and Eren. Renier went down to where Eren and Ymir to knock out Eren.  He asked Ymir to do what they say or they'll hurt Historia. So she had no choice, but too help them.  Then Renier heard something. It was like a wire. 

"RENIER!" Someone yelled. It was Misaka. 

"We got to move now." Renier saids before he jumps to transform. Ymir went into her titan form to find Historia. Renier told her when the scouts get to them to get Historia. 

"Ymir!" She heard someone yell out. It was Historia. 

"I knew you'll be ok, I just it kn-" Before she finished Ymir took her into her mouth. 

"Historia!" Armin yelled. 

   Everyone thought she was dead. Ymir went ahead to catch up with Renier and Bertholdt. Renier had Bertholdt with a knocked out Eren. 

"YMIR GIVE BACK HISTORIA!" Cass yells as she gets closer to her. Ymir tired to get her to go away by pulling away from from titan and getting Historia out of her mouth. 

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