The pretty girl

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There is a picture of a girl, curled into a pretty ball,
You look at her long hair, her legs are thin and small.
She's pretty, you can tell, she must be so confident,
Not like you who experienced nothing but abandonment.
Everyday you look at her, why couldn't that be you?
She must live a perfect life, but is it really true?
There's only one way to find out what skinny really feels,
You try to loose that belly fat and watch your worries dissappear.
At first it turns out pretty well as you got loads of compliments,
But without noticing you slowly dissappear and so do all your friends.
Your mother starts to worry and people begin to hate,
They must be lying, you're not thin, this whole thing is so fake.
If you eat you will get punished cause skinny has a price,
Skip some meals, do a workout or maybe even do it twice.
Soon you see your bones, even some you've never known,
All what should be hidden and protected is now in the mirror shown.
Some days walking or even breathing gets so hard,
You get out of bed, start sweating and feel a heavy pain in your heart.
Taking steps and change your clothes seems to be impossible,
Endless pain and tiredness, you just never feel so well.
Everyone is judging you, so you start to feel alone,
Nobody there understands that you've got it all under control.
You're freezing at home, your eyes turned dark, seem dead,
You're not sick, no way, the pain's just in your head.
In the morning you are shaking, got panic that you'd die,
You stare at yourself and then you start to cry.
If this is what skinny feels, why would the girl on the picture choose to?
And you start to understand, it's an illness that controls you.
You're now aware but it's far too late
You stare at your body full of hate.
Nothing pretty, you're in serious danger,
And all the pain suddenly turns into anger.
You're not pretty nor confident, just a helpless wreck,
As you start to scream everything starts fading into black.

Written by the WindWhere stories live. Discover now