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She looked up in the stars, stared for a while and then closed her eyes. A lonely tear rolled down on her soft cheek for her to wipe it away.
She missed home so much. A home wich could never be found on this earth.
She doesn't exactly know how this home would look like, but she had known to her heart that it was somewhere beyond the
moon. Behind all the stars, a place so peaceful, so calm, the human mind couldn't ever imagine.
She never belonged here, never fit in. She wasn't able to build a life here because her heart in the end always ached for
something different.
Her soul always craved something bigger than all what she had seen before.
So she decided to go on a trip, she wanted to travel across the sky to find this place where she could finally rest. Where she
could live in peace, harmony and feel accepted the way she is.
As she opened her eyes again, they were sparkling, because she came to realise, that there must be a way to go home.
She knew exactly what she had to do. Something inside of her told her. She just felt it. Knew it.
So as this special night has come, she was ready, she was able to leave her human cage behind.
And then she flew. She flew away like an angel would fly to heaven.
A bright smile on her face after all this time, she returned home.

Written by the WindWhere stories live. Discover now