I wanna be

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I wanna dance, but I'm lacking energy.
I wanna sing, but my voice is weak.
I wanna write, but can't build sentences.
I wanna talk, but I'm unable to speak.

I wanna take pictures, but missing motivation.
I wanna ride, but I'm too embarrassed.
I wanna cry, but I ain't got emotions.
I wanna rest, but fighting these battles.

I wanna love, but don't feel it.
I wanna paint, but the paper stays white.
I wanna be pretty, but I hate myself.
I wanna be strong, but I'm loosing my mind.

I wanna be thin, but can't be loved.
I wanna help, but I help no one.
I wanna make a change, but I'm a looser.
I wanna rise, but depression keeps me lower.

I wanna be free, but keep being haunted.
I wanna let go, but the demons stay close.
I wanna fit in, but I am an alien.
I wanna live, but what is the purpose?

Written by the WindWhere stories live. Discover now