Atlas of the Bible

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Author: Reader's Digest Association 

Publication Date: 1981

While this book certainly covers some fascinating events throughout the violent and tumultuous history of the Holy Land, I couldn't help but feel let down and often frustrated with this book. I mean, forgive me for sounding like a four-year-old with no attention span. And I know this is an atlas and all. But I felt like there was too much text and far too little illustrations. Considering the mostly tedious style in which it is written, the repetitive nature of the content related does the text no favours either. There were, of course, some interesting parts. (It follows the Bible. How could there not be?) But for the most part I just found it more of a chore. It should have balanced the large amount of text with more illustrations and pictures rather than the same map of Israel, with differing treks marked out each time.

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