Chapter 15

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It's cold...and dark. My whole body feels numb.
There's a gut-reaching smell in the room. I'm handcuffed to a pole. My feet are tied up with rope. There's this heavy chain around my neck. The last thing I remember was Bella calling out my name but my vision went blurry.
Where even am I?


"Well look who's awake." I chilling voice spoke in the dark. I recognize that voice. It can't be.

"Didn't I tell you...that I wouldn't give up that easy?"
Holy crap.


"The one the only." He bows.

"Jared was right about you being a psychopath!"

"Oh please, when you say it like that it sounds morbid. I'm merely someone who just wants a chance at love."

"How dare you? You kidnap me and call it love? You make me sick."

"Darlin' isn't that the whole point?" He bends down.
"Now that I have you all to myself we're gonna have some fun." He wraps his fingers around my hair.
My saliva shoots at his face.
"Strange how you're not even questioning where you are right now or if anyone knows you're here. Which they don't but if they do I don't mind getting my hands dirty. I especially don't mind getting rid of that jerk who tried stealing my girl."

"I am not 'your girl.'"

"You won't be saying that for long. Now that I don't have to pretend anymore why don't we get acquainted which each other? You'll be spending most of your time here anyway. Don't worry I won't bite. I would never in a million years hurt someone as precious as you."

Jared should know that I'm gone by now. Knowing him he's probably worried sick. I should be concerned about my own well being but I'm not. Am I just physically and mentally numb or am I not scared of him at all? Nothing feels real anymore.


"About time you asked. Well to say it simply this is my basement. I've kept all of my pretty dolls here like you. Once I got tired of playing with them, I threw them away. But I don't I ever will with you." He touches my cheek.

"Get your disgusting crusty nails off me."

"Ouch, I'm hurt, Miley. You know what's sad? I thought we really could be friends but you had to screw around with that white trash."

"Why are you talking about yourself?" He hits me across the face.

"You're really getting on my nerves now." He lifts my chin aggressively. "It hurts me more than it hurts you. Be a good girl and don't try anything funny while I'm gone alright?" He leaves locking the door.

Dang that slap hurt. I hope it doesn't leave a mark.
I look around the room for anything I can use to escape. There's a table behind me. I take off my shoes and pull it towards me. "Come on!"

The table shifts and a knife falls over. "That idiot."
I reach for it but the hard part is how do I cut the rope when my hands are cuffed? Then it hits me.

I kick the knife towards me and grab it with my mouth. It'll take a while but it's better than nothing.
About an hour later the rope finally cuts through.

"Did you really think you could get out of here that easy?" Crap.
"That thing around your neck will automatically activate once the cuffs are broken. From there you'll slowly hang yourself and die. I also have access to it with this little device."

What the heck?! "Are you really willing to go that far just for me?!" He laughs viciously.

"Oh, I'd do anything for you darlin'."
It's all coming down on me now. me.
"Don't cry doll. If it makes you feel any better once I found out where you lived I waited for you every day outside your house. For three years I waited. Every. Single. Day. You were so oblivious to my existence I wanted nothing more than to take you for myself."

"Are you mad?"

"Madly in love with you doll."

Both of us are stunned by a loud bang coming from behind the door.



"HOLD YOUR FIRE! What do you want?"

"Bring me Jared Riverton." No...please no.

"LET ME THROUGH!" It's Jared's voice!

He walks up to the door carrying the knife in his hand and pulls Jared in. He holds the knife to his neck.

"Just let her go Tyler! She's done nothing to deserve this!"

"Maybe not her but you're the exception."

"Get your hands off him!" I shout while tears stream down my face. Tyler slices the tip of his neck.

"Wait!" Tyler turns his head towards me.

"Kill...kill me...please. If...if anyone dies today I would rather it be me than him." Jared panics.

"Wait what? Miley? What...what are you? NO!"

Tyler grins. "Heh as you wish."

He knocks Jared out with his finger on the button.
As the chain raises I whisper my last four small significant words,
"I love you, Jared."
My ears bleed from the sound of a bang.

Jared holds a gun to Tyler who's holding his bloody shoulder. "Dang it. I missed."
The police barge in and drag Tyler down. Jared runs to me. The chain has already lifted my feet off the ground. My breathing is slowly losing control.
"Hurry!" I gasp.

"I can't break it! I can't cut it in time!"

"Jared your gun!"

He quickly takes his gun out and shoots the chain above me. I drop to my knees and so does he.
The air in my lungs collapses.

He cuts the cuffs with the knife and immediately hugs me. "Thank God you're okay! Oh my gosh! I really thought I was gonna lose you!" His voice breaking his hand strokes my hair.

"I just...can't believe you risked your life for me." I squeeze him tightly.

"Can you say those words again?"

"What?" He shifts his head into my ear.

"The part where you said that you loved me?"

The blood rushes to my face, "It's too embarrassing to say it now."

"Pff I love you too."
My heart was so full when he said those words.

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