Chapter 20

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I wake up screaming in the middle of the night. I'm still in the hospital beside Jared.
"Hey! Hey! Sweetheart I'm right here. It was just a nightmare."
Jared soothes me in the dark. I cling onto his shirt. "That's the fourth one this week huh."

"Each one is the same. You...dying."

"You're not getting rid of me that easily." He's trying to lighten the mood. "Takes a lot more than that."

"You promise?" He hesitates.

"Miley we don't know what's gonna-"

"Promise me, Jared!" He sighs and scratches his head.

"I Jared Riverton promise to love and cherish-"

"NOT LIKE THAT!" I haven't heard his laugh in such a long time. It's so genuine and comforting.

"Alright, I promise." He gives in to his weakness.
"You have to promise me too." I caress his dark hair.

"I promise to always be by your side." He smiles.

"It's really late. You should go back to sleep. I'll be right here if you need me."
My mind was so clouded with thoughts I hardly got any sleep. All I kept thinking about was how easily I could lose him. I stayed closer to him than ever that night.

The next morning he suddenly felt the urge to jump out of bed and walk around the hospital.

"Yep, I knew this was a bad idea," I say watching Jared struggle to walk ten feet on his own.

"Are you gonna help me or not?"

"Nah I think I'll leave you to suffer and get some breakfast."

"How could you? You're so heartless." What a drama king. "My legs feel like jello here."

"Fine just hold my hand and take it one step at a time." He grabs my whole arm and drags me down.


"Now we're even." He kisses my cheek.

I can't help but blush. "Come on let's get something to eat." I lend out my hand and he reaches for it but suddenly stiffens. "Jared?" He flops back on the floor with his eyes rolled back. "Jared! I need help! Somebody help!" His body is shaking but it increases gradually.

The two of the nurses rush to him. "He's having a seizure! Give him some space!" The nurse rolls him to the opposite side facing me. My chest feels so heavy. I'm reminded of the promise he made to me last night. I can't think like that anymore.

"Ok, he's settling down." A breath of relief escapes me.


"Was it really that bad?" Jared asks sitting up from the bed.

"Yes, it was! Please don't do that again. You scared the crap out of me!"

"It's not like I have any control over my body."

"You know I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying you have to know when to stop."

"I can't stop! I have to keep trying!"

"For what reason?!"

"Why are you starting a fight?"

"When did I ever start a fight and why are dodging my question?! Can you lower your voice when talking to me?!"

"You're yelling right now!"

"You're yelling too!"

"OH MY GOSH STOP BICKERING LIKE AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE!" We both turn to see Zoey and the rest of my family.

"Oh shoot." Apparently, me and Jared are thinking the same thing.

From that point on Jared was surrounded by all my little siblings. Stella pulls his hair while Ikr tugs on his arm. "Jarwed do you want me to show you a game I wearned?"

"Sure bud. How do you play?" He pats his head.

"I wanna play with Jared!" Olive says.

"No! He's gonna play with me!" Sailor says.

"I'm Jaweds favowite so he should pway with me!" Annalise imposes.
I almost feel bad for him.

"Woah guys take it easy! You're gonna scare him away!" I interrupt.

"She's lying. I would never." He winks at me.
Later I catch Jared having a private conversation with my dad. Unfortunately, Zoey took me away before I could hear anything they were saying.
After everyone leaves Jared pulls me aside.

"Look Miley I apologize for yelling earlier. That was really ignorant of me."

"No, I should be apologizing. I was insensitive and immature about the subject."

"Pft I guess we both need to work on maturity before taking another step."
The next always the steepest.


This might be my favorite chapter ever!

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