1 - it begins

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hey so this is book two for never die alone so if you haven't read that go read it first then come back :)


me and Ellie were scared to do this because we haven't really done anything like this in such a long time. we're leaving tomorrow in the morning. right now we're both packing our stuff getting ready to leave and we'll I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

"how do you feel about all this right now?" I asked.

honestly I really did wanna know how Ellie felt about this whole situation and I wanted to know what was going through her mind.

"scared" she replied looking at me making eye contact.

"hey y/n... promise me that you will be careful when we go I'm scared the worst is gonna happen and I lose you forever..." Ellie and walking towards me and putting her hands on my waist.

i smiled and gently kissed her cheek and said "I will if you do as well".

she smiled and nodded and said "alright we both promise to be careful when we leave".

i go down stairs to the kitchen once we finish and then say "since it's our last night of freedom for awhile how about we make the most of it?".

Ellie nods and says "alright what are we gonna do?".

i smile and said "we are gonna go on a date". me and Ellie never really went on a proper date since well the whole outbreak and stuff but I was looking around a town that's near us and found some pop corn.

i thought me and her could have a movie date and well neither of us have ever had popcorn and we've never seen a movie in a movie theater but we do have a working tv.

"okay so what's gonna happen is we're gonna have a movie date then have some dinner and go for a little stroll after ward" I said smiling like a kid on Christmas.

"well Cmon let start" Ellie said with a smile.

i nodded and opened a cabinet pulling the box of popcorn I found. i took out two bags of it and read the instructions.

"good thing we have a microwave" I said to myself.

I put one of the bags in there and then put the time it said on the instructions. i hit start and waited.

it started popping and I looked at the microwave then at Ellie and asked "is it supposed to be doing that?". she shrugged and I just nodded.

"smells good so I guess so" Ellie said smiling.

once it was done I put the other one in the and opened the cooked one.

i let the cooked one cool off while the other bag was cooking. once they were both finished I grabbed two big bowls and poured the popcorn in each of them.

i turned on the tv putting on a movie and we both sat next to each other eating our popcorn.

"it's really good" I said with a smile putting another piece in my mouth.

Ellie pulled something out from her mouth and it was tiny. "these keep getting stuck in my gums". i laughed a bit and said "yea that happens Tommy told me about them". Ellie shrugged and continued eating her popcorn while we watched the movie.

Ellie put her hand on my leg but she always did that it was sort of comforting. once the movie was done we had already finished our popcorn.

i looked at her and asked "alright what would like for dinner?". she shrugged and said "anything I'll eat whatever you make babe".

i smiled a bit and nodded.

it wasn't much but I did make a good dinner. we ate at the table and sat next to each other.

"so tomorrow... I was thinking we go into Seattle and get that boat that, that Owen guy fixed up" Ellie said while she ate.

i nodded and said "alright but let's not talk about that right now we're not leaving yet". she nodded understanding why I wouldn't wanna talk about tomorrow.

once we finished I took our plates and washed them off. our radio was playing some music but the volume was low but we could still hear it.

Ellie came behind me grabbing my waist moving her hips back and forth and making mine match with hers.

i turned around to look at her and said "well your a good distraction aren't you?". she smiled and gently kissed my lips and of course I returned the favor.

I broke the kiss and said "hey I know we're not talking about tomorrow but whatever happens just know that I love you ok?".

Ellie huffed and said "please I will always know that you prove that you do everyday". the song was over so we stopped dancing and we decided we would skip the walk since we were both already tired and we had a long day tomorrow.

we went upstairs to our room and changed into some more comfortable clothes. we laid down in our bed together and I said "goodnight babe".

"goodnight" Ellie said and she gently kissed my forehead. we both soon fell asleep.

tomorrow is gonna be hectic.

i hope you liked the first chapter of the second book!!!

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